Internships are a great way to work for the summer, identify what you want to do after graduation, and to add to your resume. Some internships pay very well, other opportunities do not pay anything. The Principles of getting a good internship are the same as getting a job.
Apply Early
The best time to look for summer internships is during Christmas break. The first internship deadlines are right around January 15th. Most programs have application deadlines of February 1st and February 15th. A few programs have deadlines as late as March 15th, but if you haven't applied during February your options are very limited.
Express a genuine interest
Before you apply - write a letter, call, or even visit your internship 'boss'. Tell them what you are interested in and how cool their work is. Ask them questions about their research/business.
Apply to internships to 'test' a career
As a student, you are not in any 'rut' of a professional career. In fact, it may be in your best interest to get exposure to several 'professions' before getting more schooling such as graduate or medical/dental school. With that said, there are a WIDE variety of opportunities out there. Check out some of the links on the college internship page.
We have compiled a few suggestions about getting the internship you want. We also have a database of internships that students have done in the past. The College of Life Sciences has some Internship resources. Click here
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