The application review process will begin following the deadline.
Entrance Examinations
Foreign studetns must submit English language proficiency exam scores. For detailed info on accepted exams, or if a waiver may apply, click here.
The GRE is required.
Baccalaureate degree in applicable field of study or equivalent.
Typical Acceptance Criteria
Minimum GPA 3.2 (undergraduate cumulative GPA).
Find a Willing Advisor
It's very important that an applicant's research interests align with those of a faculty member in our department. We recommend looking at the research our faculty are conducting and identifying one or more that best fits your interests. Contact them, introduce yourself, and ask them if they would be interested in taking on a graduate student. The individual faculty profiles, found under the "Faculty & Staff" tab on our website, list their research interests, and some profiles also include a link to their lab website, which will provide more in-depth information.
Applicants will not be admitted unless they have a faculty member in our department who is willing to serve as their advisor. It is necessary for applicants to contact their desired advisor before applying to our program. Applicants that have not previously consulted with a faculty member before applying to our program will not be considered.
Requirements for Degree
30 credit hours
24 coursework or seminar
PWS 694R (Seminar) 2 semesters
No more than 9 hours of senior credits can be applied toward the MS degree
No independent Study classes may be applied toward the MS degree
6 thesis hours, PWS 699R Only
Selection of Advisory Committee & Program of Study
Biannual progress evaluations with Advisory Committee
At least one manuscript from thesis prepared for publication
Final defense of thesis and oral examination
Department exit interview
Additional Requirements for Environmental Science and Sustainability MS
STAT 511
Additional Requirements for Genetics, Genomics, & Biotechnology MS
PWS 586 (Plant Cell Biology)
PWS 672 (Comparative Genomics)
PWS 673R (Cytogenetics)
PWS 670 (Analysis of Complex Genomes)
Doctorate Degree
Application Deadline
February 1st (US & international).
The application review process will begin following the deadline.
Entrance Examinations
Foreign studetns must submit English language proficiency exam scores. For detailed info on accepted exams, or if a waiver may apply, click here.
The GRE is required.
Baccalaureate degree in applicable field of study or equivalent.
Master's degree is preferred, but not absolutely required.
Typical Acceptance Criteria
Minimum GPA 3.2 (undergraduate cumulative GPA).
Find a Willing Advisor
It's very important that an applicant's research interests align with those of a faculty member in our department. We recommend looking at the research our faculty are conducting and identifying one or more that best fits your interests. Contact them, introduce yourself, and ask them if they would be interested in taking on a graduate student. The individual faculty profiles, found under the "Faculty & Staff" tab on our website, list their research interests, and some profiles also include a link to their lab website, which will provide more in-depth information.
Applicants will not be admitted unless they have a faculty member in our department who is willing to serve as their advisor. It is necessary for applicants to contact their desired advisor before applying to our program. Applicants that have not previously consulted with a faculty member before applying to our program will not be considered.
Requirements for Degree
54 credit hours
36 coursework or seminar
PWS 694R (Seminar) 4 semesters
May not include undergraduate courses (100 to 400 level)
Students who have earned an MS degree may use 18 course credits from their MS towards their doctoral coursework, with approval from graduate advisory committee.
18 doctoral dissertation hours, PWS 799R Only
Selection of Advisory Committee & Program of Study
Two consecutive six-hour semesters on BYU campus to fulfill the doctoral residency requirement.
Comprehensive oral and written exam
At least two manuscripts from dissertation prepared for publication
Biannual progress evaluations with Advisory Committee
Final defense of dissertation and oral examination
Department exit interview and University doctoral interview