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Seasonal Avian Technician

DPG is looking for 2 summer field technicians to assist with avian monitoring.

Focus Area: Avian Monitoring
Institution Name: Dugway Proving Ground
Location: Dugway, UT


Dugway Proving Ground Natural Resource Office (DPG NRO) is looking for 2 summer field technicians to assist with avian monitoring. Preferred candidates have capability working in rugged desert habitat under a variety of weather conditions doing bird point counts, sage grouse survey walking transects, and nest monitoring for various other species (including Burrowing Owl). Applicants must be skilled in identification of Great Basin bird species by sight and call/song. Projects call for little to no handling of birds, so this is not a bird-handling position. There will be opportunity to get exposure to the other programs as well throughout the summer.

Avian Protection Plan Power Structure Monitoring:

  • Walking surveys of powerline corridors to locate electrocution mortalities
  • Identify poles that need safety equipment updates.
  • Walk moderate distances over uneven terrain, GPS navigation, data collection

Avian Point Counts:

  • Integrated Monitoring of Bird Conservation Regions.
  • Conduct avian point count transects Technicians will receive on the job training in survey protocol but will need excellent visual and aural bird identification skills,
  • 4WD vehicle experience and basic GPS experience preferred

General Avian Monitoring:

  • Raptor/owl and other species nest monitoring.
  • Navigation, GPS, 4WD, binoculars, nest monitoring skills & experience preferred

Sage Grouse:

  • Walking transects to identify sage grouse presence (pellets, feathers, birds)
  • Basic bird ID skills, GPS, and navigational experience preferred.

Send Resumes to:

Questions Contact:

Keeli Marvel
cell: 801-849-0581
office: 435-831-2657

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