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Discussion Questions

Discussion Questions

  1. How did policy, or the lack thereof, cause Utah Lake's decline?  
  2. What types of public-private partnerships could be effective? How could a public-private partnership between LRS and the state of Utah been effective? 
  3. What recommendations would you have given Dr. Abbott in 2019 when he started engaging on this issue? 
  4. Constitutionality is an important factor in public policy decisions (think of the “slippery slope” idea with public health). How did the state’s constitution play a role in this case? How can you apply that to another public (environmental, health) issue? 
  5. What are your thoughts on repealing vs amending the original Utah Lake Amendments (HB 272) . Which would be the better option? 
  6. Could Ben and CUV have collaborated with LRS rather than combatting them? 
  7. Who were the stakeholders involved? What was each of their purposes? 
  8. What do you feel inspired to do after researching this case?