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Key Organizations:
Lake Restoration Solutions (LRS): East coast based developing LLC which proposed building artificial islands on Utah Lake for real estate development. Claims that the dredging of the lake will aid in combating harmful algal blooms on the lake and the artificial islands will provide additional habitat for wildlife, housing for the growing Utah County population, recreation for Utah County residents, and will act as wave breaks.
Utah Lake Commission: a council made up of elected officials in cities with ties to the lake, whose role is to coordinate with all applicable stakeholders for the management of Utah Lake (see HB 232 for more information). Notable members include Vineyard Mayor Julie Fulmer; Provo Mayor Michelle Kaufusi; and Utah Lake Commission Executive Director Eric Ellis.
Conserve Utah Valley (CUV): a non-profit organization started by concerned Utah Valley citizens with the goal of stopping the development of Utah Valley’s wilderness. Starting from humble beginnings successfully fighting the commercialization of Bridal Veil Falls, CUV has turned its sights on Utah Lake, and over the past three years has organized protests, symposiums, educational materials, and petitions in favor of protecting the lake. CUV is the sponsor behind the “Don’t Pave Utah Lake” campaign.
Timpanogos Nation: an indigenous tribe with deep historical and spiritual ties to Utah Lake who have expressed their opposition to the privatization of Utah Lake. However, they are open to projects that would improve the quality of the lake and its accessibility for people to enjoy.
Forestry, Fire, and State Lands (FFSL): The division of the DNR dedicated to the management of sovereign lands in Utah. Plays an integral role in reviewing proposals for outside development of state land.
Key Players:
Jon and Ryan Benson: President and CEO, respectively, of Lake Restoration Solutions. Utah-county natives and proponents of large-scale development to improve the quality of Utah Lake.
Ben Abbott: Professor of ecosystem ecology at BYU, vocal opponent of lake development, and recipient of $3 million lawsuit from LRS.
Mary Murdock Meyer: Chief Executive of the Timpanogos Nation.
Craig Christensen: Director of Conserve Utah Valley.
Representative Keven Stratton: Member of the Utah House of Representatives and sponsor of HB 240, which requires additional authorization before government entities can dispose of state land. This was in direct response to legislation passed in 2018 (HB 272) that made LRS’s acquisition of state lands a possibility.
Representatives Brady Brammer: Member of the Utah House of Representatives and sponsor of HB 232, which defined the roles/authority of the Utah Lake Commission.
Mayor Julie Fullmer: Mayor of Vineyard City and member of the Utah Lake Commission. Early financial supporter of the islands project.
Mayor Michelle Kaufusi: Mayor of Provo and member of the Utah Lake Commission. Signed a joint resolution with the Provo City Council opposing the islands project
Jamie Barnes: Director of Utah's Division of Forestry, Fire, and State Lands, which makes decisions on proposed projects on state lands in Utah.
HB 240
“Does the bill sponsor vote for these amendments?”
“Damn right I do.” – Keven Stratton
What sort of bill would invoke such passion, especially considering that the sponsor allocates himself “one swear a year”? One that would add increased protection to a unique and precious natural resource: Utah Lake. One that was supported by thousands of people who wanted to protect their lake from greedy developers who desired to wrest it from the public’s hands and then proceed to tear it apart.
House bill 272 needs to be repealed. That was the battle cry for many advocates of Utah Lake almost since the day that bill was first passed in 2018. What was so problematic with this bill that caused such vehement opposition? In a nutshell it opened up the possibility for the bed of Utah Lake to be given away to an organization that stated they could meet several requirements of improving and restoring the lake. Interestingly, nowhere in the bill was there mentioned that the restoration efforts had to be started or even effective, just that it was a possibility. It would be easy to let this slide, but Ben Abbott noticed and sensed that something shady might be happening behind the scenes. He didn’t have to wait long before things started coming to light.
First, a company called “Lake Restoration Solutions” submitted a proposal that called for restoration by dredging the lake and building islands. This was the only proposal submitted to the state and therefore was the one chosen. Several citizens were alarmed by this and started petitioning the government to stop such a radical project. This was effective for a time but then near the end of 2021 the company was going to have a “meet the experts” event at the capitol. Ben organized a resistance group with Conserve Utah Valley to fight against these developers and thus the “Don’t Pave Utah Lake” initiative was born.
Criticized by some as inflammatory and hyperbolic, this campaign became the battle cry of those who opposed the islands. It also became the driving force behind the push to repeal HB 272 and led to the sponsorship of HB 240 by Representative Keven Stratton. This bill wasn’t what was asked for, but it was a good step in the right direction. Rather than repealing HB 272, this bill would amend it to increase transparency. CUV worked closely with Representative Stratton to ensure that HB 240 provided additional protections from the development of Utah Lake by altering how the land can be disposed of. Previously, the land could only be given away by the Division of Forestry, Fires, and State Lands (FFSL). This bill, which was passed by the Senate on March 3, 2022, removed that authority from FFSL and now only allows them to recommend the disposal of lake land to the Governor and Legislature who then must sign a joint resolution in order for the land to be transferred to another party. This bill also added a few extra provisions to the requirements of disposal. These include the requirement that the disposal of land must be constitutionally sound and legal, as well as fiscally sound and fair method for the restoration of Utah Lake.
HB 232: Utah Lake Authority
Representative Brady Brammer had big dreams to pass big legislation. Growing up in Utah Valley he had fond memories of Utah Lake. But he also remembered it often being fairly gross. It was still gross, actually, and he wanted that to change. Back in 2009 a group was formed to look after the lake. This was the Utah Lake Commission. But the commission wasn’t particularly robust. It couldn’t raise money and didn’t really have the power to make binding decisions. In fact, all it could really do was create a Master Management Plan and help enforce that plan. Even with this limited power it had organized and helped manage several successful restoration efforts such as the June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program. But Brammer knew that there was the potential for something a lot greater.
In 2021, Representative Brammer sponsored a bill that would create an Authority to manage Utah Lake. It appeared to be heavily based on the Inland Port Authority in Salt Lake City. The IPA was regarded as a failure in public participation and transparency which led many people to oppose Brammer’s initial draft for the Utah Lake Authority. It failed to pass in the House and that was the end for the bill in that session. But Representative Brammer was determined to persevere with his bill and began meeting with government agencies and other organizations to refine the language and create something that everyone could get behind. After months of preparation the bill was finally ready to review.
In the committee hearing Brammer made it clear that this bill was neutral regarding the islands project and wasn’t designed to facilitate any specific agenda. He wanted it to be transparent and recognized that it would need refinement over time. Eventually the bill passed both the house and the senate and was made into law. (maybe cue the School House Rock bill video)
The Utah Lake Authority officially organized on July 21, 2022 and has been meeting every other month since. As of the March of 2023, the board was still in the process of revising the bylaws. These would govern how the ULA operates, what budget they will have, and what sort of advisory committees will be created. For the 2023 legislative session Brady Brammer submitted a simple revision that will ensure that only cities within a half-mile of the lake will be represented on the Board.
In addition to the bylaws, the ULA contracted with an independent group to create the Master Management Plan for Utah Lake. There was a 30 day public comment period during which many people submitted requests for the plan to ensure that it effectively managed the lake.
Agriculture and urban wastewater have increased the availability of nutrients in 2/3rds of waterbodies worldwide. Nutrients are a good thing, but too much of a good thing is a bad thing! An overload of nutrients like nitrogen and phosphorus can create a condition called eutrophication. This can cause an overgrowth of algae and cyanobacteria, commonly called a harmful algal bloom. When the algae die, they can consume the oxygen in the water, which creates dead zones that kill off most life and release pollutants from the sediment. The harmful algal blooms can also produce toxins that can make animals (including humans) sick or possibly even kill them.
Utah Lake experiences eutrophication periodically throughout the year, especially near places that receive more outside nutrients such as by wastewater treatment plants and near farms. Provo Bay is where there are the most consistent algal blooms. However, Utah Lake as a whole actually has fewer algal blooms on average than most lakes throughout the United States.
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was signed into 1973 by President Nixon. Considered one of the most aggressive pieces of environmental legislation, the ESA prohibits any action that could jeopardize the continued existence of an endangered or threatened species. In order to support the recovery of endangered and threatened species, the ESA includes the provision for declaring “critical habitat”. This is essentially any habitat that supports the existence of the endangered species.
The ESA is what played a major role in the recovery of the June Sucker. In April of 1986, the June Sucker was listed as endangered. Once number in the millions, the fish population had declined to only a few hundred. After being listed as endangered, the federal government was able to come in and direct funding towards saving the June Sucker. In 1999, nine organizations joined forces to create the June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program. Widely considered one of the best examples of collaborative restoration work, this program successfully boosted the June Sucker population from around 300 in the 1990s to nearly 50,000 fish in 2023. In February 2021, the June Sucker was officially down listed from endangered to threatened status.
The June Sucker Recovery Implementation Program has several aspects to it. The main goal of the program is to improve the ability of young June Suckers to survive into adulthood. One part of accomplishing this is creating new and improving existing spawning and living habitat. Another is controlling invasive fish species that prey on the June Sucker. In addition, the program has several fish farms where June Suckers are bred and raised in captivity until they are large enough to survive in the wild. The combination of these efforts is what has made the recovery program a major success.
Dredging means removing the sediment on the bottom of a body of water by scraping it up. It is commonly used to deepen lakes and rivers, especially when a dock needs to be built. Occasionally dredging is used for water restoration but only in small amounts. It can be effective for removing contaminated or nutrient rich sediment from the lake or riverbed.
- Algal blooms: Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) can be harmful to both human and ecosystem health. The primary risk is from drinking the water with the toxic algae and cyanobacteria. Can also reduce economic benefits from the area by decreasing recreation opportunities and killing of the plants and animals.
o Major fish kills
o Threatens drinking water
o Toxic to living things
§ Waterborne pathogens
- Lakebed drying up: if the lakebed was dredged and deepened, a large portion of the shoreline would be exposed. This has the potential to cause dust storms from the sediment that is no longer covered by water. In addition, the wetlands around the lake would likely be impacted. Wetlands act as natural filters for nutrients and toxic materials before they enter the lake.
- Dredging: there would be a lot of dust and noise pollution generated during the dredging process because of how much of the lakebed would be disturbed.
1. The scientific community has released fives sets of documents on the project:
a. An overview of the Utah Lake ecosystem, including its history, current status, and potential futures (Jul 29 2022
b. A public letter of warning about the content of the proposal and the tactics of LRS (Dec. 29 2021
c. A magazine adaptation of the Getting to Know the Utah Lake Ecosystem article above with photos from community members (Feb. 7 2022
d. A review of LRS's Army Corps application (Feb. 14 2022
e. An overview of comments to the Army Corps about LRS's application (May 16 2022
2. The most in-depth journalism has been done by Brian Maffly and colleagues at the Salt Lake Tribune:
a. Jan. 20 2018
b. Feb. 21 2018
c. Aug. 5 2021
d. Dec. 7 2021
e. Jan. 19 2022
f. Feb. 1 2022
g. Feb. 2 2022
h. Feb. 2 2022
i. Feb. 12 2022
j. Feb. 23 2022
k. Feb. 17 2022
l. Mar. 8 2022
m. Mar. 28 2022
n. Mar. 31 2022
o. Jun. 8 2022
p. Aug. 9 2022
q. Aug. 17 2022
r. Oct. 13 2022
s. Oct. 27 2022
t. Dec. 6 2022
u. Jan. 12 2023
3. The Daily Herald has done some excellent coverage on the project, with most articles by Genelle Pugmire and Ashtyn Asay:
a. Dec. 7 2021
b. Dec. 30 2021
c. Jan. 12 2022
d. Feb. 10 2022
e. Feb. 25 2022
f. Mar. 18 2022
g. Apr. 16 2022
h. May 5 2022
i. Jun. 11 2022
j. Jun. 11 2022
k. Aug. 17 2022
l. Aug. 19 2022
m. Aug. 23 2022
n. Aug. 24 2022
o. Oct. 27 2022
p. Dec. 13 2022
q. Dec. 17 2022
r. Jan. 13 2023
s. Jan. 25 2023
4. Kyle Dunphey, Amy Joi O'Donoghue, Benoît Morenne, and others at the Deseret News have run several pieces on the lake:
a. Oct. 20 2021
b. Oct. 22 2021
c. Jan. 14 2022
d. Jan. 20 2022
e. Feb. 1 2022
f. Feb. 12 2022
g. Feb. 26 2022
h. Aug. 8 2022
i. Aug. 25 2022
j. Oct. 27 2022
5. BYU's student paper, the Daily Universe has run a series of articles on the lake and the project:
a. Jan 10 2022
b. Feb. 1 2022
c. Feb. 7 2022:
d. Feb. 11 2022
e. Mar. 9 2022
6. Utah Business has also run four pieces:
a. Dec. 10 2021
b. Feb. 15 2022
c. Jun. 3 2022
d. Oct. 25 2022
7. There have been three podcasts covering the drama:
a. Doug Fabrizio at Radio West did a two-part series on the lake and the island project:
i. Feb. 24 2022
ii. Mar. 10 2022
b. Jeff Beck hosted local community experts Peggy and Rich on his podcast Left of the Lake:
i. Jul. 21 2022
ii. Jul. 28 2022
iii. Jan. 5 2023
c. Conserve Utah Valley's Utah Lake Update
i. Jan. 28 2022: A Lake in Recovery
ii. Jan. 31 2022: Islands on the Lake
iii. Feb. 16 2022: Utah Lake Authority (HB 232)
iv. Feb. 16 2022: The Legislators are Listening (HB 240)
v. Nov. 14 2022: Can I Take Down My Yard Sign?
vi. Nov. 14 2022: Post-Island Utah Lake
8. There have also been several written pieces across other platforms:
a. abc4.com (Dec. 8 2021
b. KSL (Jan. 14, 2022
c. KSL (Feb. 3 2022
d. abc4.com (Mar. 16 2022
e. The Center Square (Jul. 8 2022
f. KUTV (Aug. 17 2022
g. KSL (Aug. 22 2022
h. KSL (Aug. 24 2022
i. KSL (Dec. 7 2022
j. The Real Deal (Dec. 11 2022
k. Fox 13 (Jan. 12 2023
l. Fox 13 (Feb. 4 2023
9. It's harder to compile the radio coverage, but there has been pretty frequent coverage on KSL, and Aimee Van Tatenhove and her colleagues at Utah Public Radio (UPR) and KUER have done a nice series of interviews and pieces on the lake:
a. KUER (Jan. 11 2022
b. UPR (Jan. 24 2022
c. KSL news radio (Feb. 1 2022
d. KSL Dave & Dujanovic (Feb. 2 2022
e. UPR (Feb. 04 2022
f. UPR (Feb. 10 2022
g. UPR (Feb. 10 2022
h. Rod Arquette (Feb. 16 2022
i. UPR (Mar. 04 2022
j. KUER (May 5 2022
k. KSL at Night (May 11 2022
l. The Daily Buzz (Jun. 9 2022
m. KSL news radio (Aug. 8 2022
n. KUER (Aug. 18 2022
o. KSL news radio (Aug. 18 2022
p. UPR (Oct. 14 2022
q. KSL news radio (Oct. 27 2022
r. Dave & Dujanovic (Nov. 2 2022
s. KSL news radio (Dec. 7 2022
10. There has also been quite a bit of TV coverage, though that is harder to find and compile:
a. abc4utah (Aug. 3 17 2021
b. Fox 13 (Dec. 6 2021
c. Fox 13 (Feb. 2 2022
d. abc4utah (Feb. 7 2022
e. Fox 13 (Feb. 7 2022
f. Fox 13 (Feb. 8 2022
g. abc4utah (Feb. 24 2022
h. Fox 13 (May 16 2022
i. abc4utah (Aug. 8 2022
j. Fox 13 (Aug. 17 2022
k. KUTV (Aug. 18 2022
l. Fox 13 (Oct. 27 2022
m. Fox 13 (Dec. 5 2022
n. Fox 13 (Jan. 11 2023
11. Governor Cox has held two press conferences that addressed LRS's proposal. In both, he repeated LRS talking points:
a. Feb. 17 2022
b. Aug. 18 2022
12. There have been some important online videos created on the project:
a. The TikTok influencer and lake conservationist Geodesaurus made this informative 3-minute overview of the lake island controversy (Mar. 27 2022
b. BYU graduate and documentary filmmaker Leika Patch put together this piece (Apr. 12 2022
c. Angela Smith choreographed this dance film about the lake and the island project (May 11 2022
13. There have been a lot of diverse op-eds over the past few years:
a. Jon Benson, LRS president wrote this one shortly after the lawsuit went public (Jan. 24 2022
b. George Handley wrote this response to Jon's op-ed (Feb. 6 2022
c. Robert Scott, an LRS original who was the general manager of design and planning on the failed Palm Deira project in Dubai wrote this classic (Mar. 3 2018
d. Former LRS "creator and project director" Ben Parker wrote this (Mar. 4 2018
e. Two BYU professors and Yale Law student Andrew Follett wrote this piece on the history and future of the lake (Mar. 8 2018
f. Andrew Follett and Ben Abbott followed up the sciencey post with this piece on the cultural aspects of the project (Mar. 10 2018
g. A graduate student from Logan named Toph Cottle wrote this pro-island piece (Jul. 22 2022
h. Don Jarvis and Ben Abbott wrote this piece about good intentions (Dec. 2 2021
i. Christopher Smart wrote this short (if somewhat inaccurate) piece (Dec. 15 2021
j. Adam Stevenson wrote this moving personal and philosophical article in The Utah Monthly (Dec. 19 2021
k. Joel Campbell wrote this piece from a legal perspective (Jan. 21 2022
l. Joel Kester wrote this simple but touching letter (Jan. 21 2022
m. Local author John Bennion wrote this clear opinion (Jan. 26 2022
n. Another Jarvis-Abbott team-up (Jan. 28 2022
o. This one by Jon is not nearly as funny, but is still worth reading as it encapsulates the fundamental false premise of their proposition (Feb. 9 2022
p. Utah Physicians for a Healthy Environment wrote this blog post (Feb. 15 2022
q. Jon Benson wrote this revealing op-ed about asserting that only he can help the lake (Feb. 17 2022
r. Babs Delay wrote this piece in Urban Living (Feb. 23 2022
s. Ph.D. ecologist Tara Bishop responded with this cutting retort, comparing LRS's behavior to an abusive relationship (Apr. 7 2022
t. Jim Harris wrote this effective and short letter to the editor (Feb. 24 2022
u. BYU law student Brittany Thorley wrote this clear opinion (Mar. 10 2022
v. LRS advocate Daniela Larsen of the Hutchings Museum in Lehi wrote this defense of the proposal (Mar. 16 2022
w. Another BYU student, Danny Dudley, wrote this fiery piece (Mar. 23 2022
x. Bennion added this critique of the project from his perspective as an English professor (Apr. 7 2022
y. Tessa Scheuer wrote this thoughtful piece on the impacts of the island city on birds (May 19 2022
z. Maddie Mulford of Rowland Hall wrote this blog post with the memorable line, "Save the lake, don't pave the lake" (Jun. 2 2022
aa. Mapleton resident Fred Murray wrote this direct letter (Jul. 16 2022
bb. Saratoga Springs resident Teri Lynn Harman wrote this compelling letter (Jun. 19 2022
cc. Harman's letter inspired this piece by Marilyn Marshal (Jun. 26 2022
dd. BYU professor Shawn Miller wrote this piece about why we can't afford to give up any of Utah Lake (Jul. 26 2022
ee. Jim Westwater, one of the original defenders of Utah Lake and the chair of the Utah Valley Earth Forum wrote this piece for the Daily Herald and Salt Lake Tribune (Jul. 30 2022
ff. Jonathan D. Hepworth wrote this self-explanatory piece (Aug. 12 2022
gg. Roger Williams from Provo wrote this succinct and misguided recommendation to use LRS's money to build a pipeline from the Pacific (Aug. 25 2022
hh. Brigham Daniels and Andrew Follett wrote this legal analysis of FFSL's decision to reject the project (Nov. 3 2022
ii. John Bennion wrote this cautionary op-ed to keep people vigilant (Jan. 12 2023
jj. Joel Kester wrote this postmortem on the project, urging lawmakers to look to the future (Jan. 18 2023
14. LRS's paid content (here is their own media page
a. Nugent Good News (Dec. 27 2021
b. abc4 Good Things Utah (Feb. 2 2022
c. Fresh Living (Feb. 9 2022
d. abc4 The Daily Dish (Mar. 22 2022
e. KSL (Mar. 24 2022
f. abc4 Good Things Utah (Apr. 20 2022
g. Studio 5 (Apr. 27 2022
h. Fox 13 The Place (May 03 2022
i. KUTV Fresh Living (May 03 2022
j. KUTV Fresh Living (Jul. 6 2022
k. Fox 13 The Place (Jul. 6 2022