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Matthew Madsen

Associate Professor
Plant & Wildlife Sciences

5048 LSB - Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602

Research Interests

The primary objective of my research program is to determine the limiting factors
controlling rangeland-seeding success and utilize this knowledge in the development of
methodologies and technologies that result in the establishment of functional plant
communities. Linked objectives include: 1) quantifying the role and impact of edaphic,
climatic and biotic factors on plant survival and plant productivity; 2) determining how
barriers to restoration success vary across the landscape; and 3) developing and or
identifying seed enhancement technologies (e.g., seed coating, pelleting, deterrents,
biological and physiological treatments, and other non-traditional methods) that are
capable of mitigating ecological processes and conditions limiting plant establishment. In
addition to rangeland systems I am also seeking to develop and apply innovative seed
enhancement technologies for use in other ecosystem types and in various agricultural


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Wildlife and Wildlands Conservation , Brigham Young University (2010)
  • Master of Science, Soil Science , Utah State University (2008)
  • Bachelor of Science, Watershed Science , Utah State University (2004)

Honors and Awards

  • Sam and Aline Skaggs Mentoring Fellowship Award, BYU Collage of Life Sciences (2023 - 2023)
  • Early Career Undergraduate Teaching Award, Society for Range Management (2022 - 2022)
  • • Early Career Research Scientist of the Year for the Pacific West Area Region, USDA-Agricultural Research Service (2013 - 2014)

Courses Taught


Amber J Johnson Bradley Dale Geary April Hulet Matthew D Madsen Rhett M Anderson Val Jo Anderson Karma Phillips Neil C Hansen Tamzen K Stringham Matthew D Madsen Alexandra J.S. Larson Maureen M. Cartwright Whitney D. Jones Katrina Luce Mei Y. Chen Kate Petersen Shannon V. Nelson David John Michaelis Matthew D Madsen Mitch G. Thacker Matthew D Madsen Benjamin W. Hoose Rhett M. Anderson David R. Tryon Randy T Larsen Kevin L. Gunnell Daniel D. Summers Todd E. Erickson Shannon V Nelson Neil C Hansen Matthew D Madsen Val Jo Anderson Dennis Lee Eggett Bryan G Hopkins Jessie R Morriss Steven L Petersen Matthew D Madsen Brock R McMillan Dennis Lee Eggett C Russell Lawrence Tyson J Terry Stuart P Hardegree Matthew D Madsen Bruce A Roundy Samuel B. St. Clair Owen W Baughman Jay D Kerby Chad S Boyd Matthew D Madsen Tony J Svejcar Lauren N Svejcar Jay D Kerby Tony J Svejcar Chad S Boyd Owen W Baughman Matthew D Madsen Kirk W Davies Benjamin W Hoose Brad D Geary William C Richardson Steven L Petersen Matthew D Madsen V S Brown T E Erickson D J Merritt Matthew D Madsen R J Hobbs A L Ritchie T E Erickson O A Kildisheva O W Baughman M F Breed L Ruiz-Talonia V S Brown Matthew D Madsen D J Merritt A L Ritchie J T Terry Matthew D Madsen Richard A Gill Val J Anderson Samuel B St Clair T J Terry Matthew D Madsen Richard A Gill Val J Anderson Samuel B St Clair R M Anderson B W Hoose Val J Anderson Neil C Hansen T K Stringham D D Summers K L Gunnell M L Landeen Matthew D Madsen C E Keefer Samuel B St Clair J Radke Phil S Allen B W Hoose S Fahning T K Stringham Matthew D Madsen S. Pedrini A. Balestrazzi Matthew D Madsen K. Bhalsing S. P. Hardegree K. W. Dixon O. A. Kildisheva J B Taylor K L Cass D N Armond Matthew D Madsen D E Pearson Samuel B St Clair Justin B. Taylor Kristina L. Cass David N. Armond Matthew D Madsen Dean E. Pearson Samuel B St Clair T. E. Erickson M. Muñoz-Rojas A. L. Guzzomi M. Masarei E. Ling A. M. Bateman O. A. Kildisheva A. L. Ritchie S R Turner B. Parsons P. Chester T. Webster S. Wishart J. J. James Matthew D Madsen D J Merritt S R Abella Benjamin W. Hoose Ryan S. Call Thomas H. Bates Rhett M. Anderson Bruce A. Roundy Matthew D Madsen William C. Richardson Turmandakh Badrakh Bruce A. Roundy Zackary T. Aanderud Steven L. Petersen Phil S. Allen Dallin R. Whitaker Matthew D Madsen Vanessa S. Brown Alison L. Ritchie Jason C. Stevens Richard J. Harris Matthew D Madsen Todd E. Erickson Adam J. Fund Kristin B. Hulvey Scott L. Jensen Douglas A. Johnson Matthew D Madsen Thomas A. Monaco Derek J. Tilley Erica Arora Brittany Teller O. A. Kildisheva T. E. Erickson Matthew D Madsen K. W. Dixon D. J. Merritt Dean E. Pearson Morgan Valliant Chris Carlson Giles C. Thelen Yvette K. Ortega John L. Orrock Matthew D Madsen David G. Chandler Natalie Day Matthew D Madsen Jayne Belnap A. Hart E. Martin Matthew D Madsen K. Kettenring W. C. Richardson D. R. Whitaker K. P. Sant N. S. Barney R. S. Call Bruce A Roundy Zachary Thomas Aanderud Matthew D Madsen Lauren M. Porensky Barry L. Perryman Matthew A. Williamson Matthew D Madsen Elizabeth A. Leger David G. Chandler Yang Cheng Mark S. Seyfried Matthew D Madsen Chris E. Johnson C. Jason Williams Matthew D Madsen Lauren Svejcar Janae Radke April Hulet O. A. Kildisheva T. E. Erickson D. J. Merritt Matthew D Madsen K. W. Dixon J. Vargas R. Amarteifio A. T. Kramer K. W. Davies C. S. Boyd Matthew D Madsen J. Kerby A. Hulet T. E. Erickson M. Munoz-Rojas O. A. Kildisheva B. A. Stokes S. A. White J. L. Heyes E. L. Dalziell W. Lewandrowski J. J. James Matthew D Madsen S. R. Turner D. J. Merritt Kirk W. Davies Matthew D Madsen April Hulet Daniel L. Zvirzdin Bruce A Roundy Nicholas S. Barney Steven L Petersen Val Jo Anderson Matthew D Madsen Kaitlynn J Fernelius Matthew D Madsen Bryan G Hopkins Sheel Bansal Val Jo Anderson Dennis Lee Eggett Bruce A Roundy Matthew D Madsen A Hulet K Phillips J L Staley K W Davies T J Svejcar Bruce A Roundy Matthew D Madsen Matthew D Madsen Stan J Kostka Mike A Fidanza Nicholas S Barney Turmandakh Badrakh Mica F McMillan Matthew D Madsen Kirk W. Davies Chad S. Boyd Jay D. Kerby Tony J. Svejcar Kaitlynn J. Fernelious Matthew D Madsen Kerri A. Russell Bruce A Roundy Bryan G Hopkins Matthew D Madsen Daniel Lewis Zvirzdin Steven L Petersen Bryan G Hopkins Bruce A Roundy K. W. Davies C. S. Boyd D. D. Johnson A. M. Nafus Matthew D Madsen Matthew D Madsen K W Davies D L Mummey T J Svejcar K. W. Davies Matthew D Madsen A. M. Nafus C. S. Boyd D. D. Johnson Tony Svejcar Chad Boyd Kirk Davies Matthew D Madsen Jon Bates Roger Sheley Clayton Marlow David Bohnert Mike Borman Ricardo Mata-Gonzalez John Buckhouse Tamzen Stringham Barry Perryman Sherman Swanson Kenneth Tate Mel George George Ruyle Bruce A Roundy Chris Call Kevin Jensen Karen Launchbaugh Amanda Gearhart Lance Vermeire John Tanaka Justin Derner Gary Frasier Kris Havstad K. W. Davies J. D. Bates Matthew D Madsen A. M. Nafus Matthew D Madsen Kirk W. Davies Daniel L. Mummey Tony J. Svejcar Matthew D Madsen Daniel Zvirzdin Stanley Kostka Matthew D Madsen Stanley Kostka April Hulet Bruce Mackey Matthew Harrison Mica Mcmillan Matthew D Madsen Eric G. Coronel Bryan G. Hopkins Kirk W. Davies Aleta M. Nafus Matthew D Madsen Matthew D Madsen Steven L Petersen K. J. Fernelius Bruce A Roundy A. G. Taylor Bryan G Hopkins Matthew D Madsen Stanley J. Kostka Aaron L. Inouye Daniel L. Zvirzdin Matthew D Madsen Kirk W. Davies C. Jason Williams Tony J. Svejcar Matthew D Madsen Steven L. Petersen Bruce A. Roundy Bryan G. Hopkins Alan G. Taylor Matthew D Madsen Daniel Lewis Zvirzdin Steven L Petersen Bryan G Hopkins Bruce A Roundy D. G. Chandler Matthew D Madsen Daniel L. Zvirzdin Bracken D. Davis Steven L. Petersen Bruce A. Roundy Kirk W. Davies Steven L Petersen Dustin D. Johnson D. Bracken Davis Matthew D Madsen Daniel L. Zvirzdin Jon D. Bates Matthew D Madsen D. G. Chandler J. Belnap Matthew D Madsen David G. Chandler W. Daniel Reynolds Matthew D Madsen David G. Chandler I. Lebron Matthew D Madsen D. G. Chandler D. A. Robinson O. Wendroth J. Belnap


Shannon V. Nelson Matthew D Madsen Neil C Hansen Val Jo Anderson Bryan G Hopkins
Shannon V Nelson Matthew D Madsen Neil C Hansen Val J Anderson Bryan G Hopkins
Shannon V Nelson Russell Lawrence Matthew D Madsen Neil C Hansen Val Jo Anderson Bryan G Hopkins
Matthew D Madsen
Maria C. Valencia Shannon V Nelson Russ Lawrence Neil C Hansen Matthew D Madsen Val Jo Anderson Steven L Petersen Bryan G Hopkins
Shannon V Nelson Russell Lawrence Matthew D Madsen Neil C Hansen Val Jo Anderson Bryan G Hopkins
T. Sowards Zachary Thomas Aanderud Steven L Petersen Samuel B St Clair S. Kitchen Bruce A Roundy Matthew D Madsen
T. E. Erickson A. L. Guzzomi Matthew D Madsen M. Thacker O. A. Kildisheva S. R. Turner J. J. James S. R. Abella M. Muñoz-Rojas D. J. Merritt
J. B. Taylor Samuel B St Clair Matthew D Madsen D. Pearson
W. C. Richardson Bruce A Roundy Zachary Thomas Aanderud K. Sant Matthew D Madsen
B. W. Hoose W. Richardson R. M. Anderson Bradley Dale Geary Matthew D Madsen
T. G. Sowards Matthew D Madsen Bruce A Roundy Samuel B St Clair
R. Call Matthew D Madsen
J. R. Morris Steven L Petersen Matthew D Madsen Brock R McMillan
R. M. Anderson B. Hoose J. Radke Matthew D Madsen
C. E. Keefer R. Call Samuel B St Clair Bruce A Roundy T. Stringham Matthew D Madsen
L. Porensky E. A. Leger B. Perryman J. Davison M. Williamson Matthew D Madsen
M. Thacker T. E. Erickson D. Tryon S. Larson Matthew D Madsen
M. E. Parkinson Matthew D Madsen Bryan G Hopkins Neil C Hansen
Matthew D Madsen W. Richardson R. Call B. Hoose R. M. Anderson
Shannon V. Nelson Maria C. Valencia Hollie Black Wyatt Petersen Jeffrey D. Svedin Neil C Hansen Matthew D Madsen Val Jo Anderson Bryan G Hopkins
Shannon V Nelson Maria C Valencia H Black Russ Lawrence Val Jo Anderson Matthew D Madsen Neil C Hansen Bryan G Hopkins
Shannon V Nelson Wyatt Petersen Jeffrey D Svedin Neil C Hansen Matthew D Madsen Val Jo Anderson Bryan G Hopkins
Matthew D Madsen Tanzem Stringham
Jesse Morris Steven L Petersen Matthew D Madsen
Karma Phillips Dallin Whitaker Rebecca Schenk Matthew D Madsen
Shannon Nelson Wyatt Petersen Jeff Svedin Matthew D Madsen Val Jo Anderson Neil C Hansen Bryan G Hopkins
Jesse Morris Matthew D Madsen Jace Taylor Steven L Petersen Claire Lawrence Val Jo Anderson
Matthew D Madsen Ryan Call William Richardson Karma Phillips Thomas Bates Thomas Whitlock
Adam Fund Kristen Hulvey Doug Johnson Derrick Tilley Scott Jensen Matthew D Madsen
Thomas Bates Matthew D Madsen Ryan Call Rhett Anderson Ben Hoose
April Hulet Kirk Davies Matthew D Madsen Chad Boyd M Gregg
Ryan Call Matthew D Madsen William Richardson Thomas Bates
William Richardson Matthew D Madsen Karma Phillips Bruce A Roundy Dallin Whitaker
Rhett Anderson Matthew D Madsen William Richardson Karma Phillips Thomas Bates Derrick Whitaker Gabriel Poulson
Matthew D Madsen
Bruce A Roundy Matthew D Madsen Turmandakh Badrakh
Matthew D Madsen April Hulet Tony Svejcar
L. M. Porensky O. Baughman E. A. Leger B. L. Perryman Matthew D Madsen M. Williamson
Matthew D Madsen M. Herbert M. Winn A. McFarland M. F. McMillan S. J. Kostka
Matthew D Madsen
Matthew D Madsen A. Hulet K. W. Davies C. S. Boyd T. Badrakh J. D. Kerby Bruce A Roundy T. J. Svejcar
A. Hulet K. W. Davies Matthew D Madsen
M. F. McMillan J. L. Cisar Matthew D Madsen
M. F. McMillan J. L. Cisar Matthew D Madsen K. Williams S. J. Kostka
Matthew D Madsen D. L. Zvirzdin K. J. Fernelius M. F. McMillan S. J. Kostka
Matthew D Madsen K. W. Davies C. S. Boyd T. J. Svejcar
Matthew D Madsen D. L. Zvirzdin S. J. Kostka
Matthew D Madsen S. J. Kostka
Matthew D Madsen D. L. Zvirzdin S. J. Kostka
Matthew D Madsen S. J. Kostka A. Hulet B. E. Mackey M. A. Harrison M. F. McMillan
Matthew D Madsen
Matthew D Madsen D. L. Zvirzdin
Matthew D Madsen K. L. Munday
Matthew D Madsen
Matthew D Madsen S. J. Kostka A. L. Inouye D. L. Zvirzdin
Matthew D Madsen