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April Hulet

Associate Professor
Plant & Wildlife Sciences

5130 LSB
Provo, UT 84602


I work with students, land management agencies, non-governmental organization, and the general public to promote sustainable and productive rangelands throughout the western US. My primary research interests focus on restoration ecology, fire ecology, and remote sensing and GIS applications on rangeland ecosystems. Prior to working for Brigham Young University, I was the Extension Rangeland Specialist at the University of Idaho and was a Rangeland Ecologist post-doctorate with the USDA-ARS in Burns, Oregon. I hold a PhD from Brigham Young University in Wildlife and Wildland Conservation.

Research Interests

My research focuses on preemptive (pre-disturbance) rangeland restoration, as well as post-disturbance restoration strategies. Within my research lab, my students and I are working to improve rangeland resilience to disturbance (primarily wildfire) and resistance to invasion in the sagebrush steppe ecosystem. Specifically, we are addressing information gaps regarding plant community restoration and establishment of desired species, utilizing livestock grazing as a management tool to reduce invasive annual weeds and lower wildfire risk, vegetation responses to land management actions in spatially and temporally variable environments, and monitoring and assessing rangeland health for those actively working on the landscape.

Teaching Interests

Through my courses, I strive to provide students with opportunities and experiences to increase knowledge, share innovative techniques and approaches to address rangeland challenges, and gain skills that can be used to better support land management decisions.


  • Wildlife and Wildland Conservation, , Brigham Young University (2012)
  • Wildlife and Wildland Conservation, , Brigham Young University (2009)
  • Biology, Botany , Southern Utah University (2005)

Courses Taught


Amber J Johnson Bradley Dale Geary April Hulet Matthew D Madsen Keegan Hammond Ruth Kerry Ryan Russell Jensen Ross Spackman April Hulet Bryan G Hopkins Matt Yost Austin Hopkins Neil C Hansen