Checkout Approval
Fill out the following form to request an approval to check out a department item. You need a supervisor to approve this request before you can check out an item.Please make sure you've read the terms specified for the item you need to check out:
Terms for Card Checkout
We have 9 Purchasing Cards, 1 Costco Purchasing Card, and 4 BYU Campus Cards available to check out. These cards can be used when authorized by your supervisor to make purchases. Here is what you need to know when checking out the department cards:
- In order to be granted access to check out department purchasing cards, you need to have the Card and Truck Checkout Approval form filled out.
- All purchasing cards are held by the PWS staff. When checking out a card we expect you to make your purchases and bring back the card, purchasing form and receipts as promptly as possible. We ask that receipts and the corresponding Purchasing Receipt Forms be turned in within 4 business days from when the purchase was made. Carolyn Vermeulen will need to approve the use of the card if it will be in your possession for more than 4 days.
- Department purchasing cards are to be picked up and returned during PWS office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, in room LSB 4105).
- You will need to fill out the purchasing card log prior to taking the card. The log must be filled out completely when you return the card.
- When bringing back a card it is required that we get all the receipts from your purchases, with its corresponding Purchasing Receipt Form. This form must be signed by your supervisor and the account code must be provided. If you do not bring your receipts back quickly, it will jeopardize your future use of the department cards.
- Whoever checks out a department card is the only one allowed to make purchases with it. All department purchasing cards are in Carolyn Vermeulen’s name, so any unresolved issues will affect her taxes. This is why they need to be taken care of. Please ensure that the card remains in your possession, is not shared with anyone, or left lying around. If anyone else uses the purchasing card while it is in your possession, you will be held accountable for all purchases made.
- Department purchasing cards are not allowed to be used to make purchases on Amazon.
- The PWS staff have three different types of cards. One is used for off-campus purchases, another used for on-campus purchases and the last for purchases at Costco (with special permission from Carolyn Vermeulen.) If purchasing anything at the BYU Store or on campus, you are required to use the campus cards to make these purchase. You will need to distinguish each time you check out a card which kind you will need.
All online orders made on department purchasing cards must be shipped to the PWS Office and in your professor’s name. There is no shipping to home addresses.
(Professor’s Name)
701 E University Parkway
4105 LSB
Provo, Utah
- For billing information for the department purchasing cards is done under Carolyn Vermeulen with the same address as the shipping.
- Any mismanagement of the card in your possession will result in loss of privileges and you will not be allowed to use a department purchasing card for a period of time.
Terms for Truck Checkout
We have 4 department trucks available; PW1, PW2, PW8, and PW31. Trucks can be used for research out in the field or for other work related task for which your supervisor gives permission. Here is what you need to know when checking out the department trucks:
- All truck keys are held by the secretarial staff. All reservations are to be made online through the following website: In order to be granted access to check out department trucks, you need to have the Card and Truck Checkout Approval form filled out, and approved
- You are responsible for filling out all of the spaces, front and back, on the Truck Information Card for each reservation of department vehicles, including beginning and ending odometer readings.
- All trucks should be full of gas when you return it, or should be filled when you drive over 100 miles. You may fill up the tank at the BYU station using the blue or orange key fob on each set of keys. Or, you may fill up at the regular gas station. There is a department gas card (for each truck) that is to be used to fill up the trucks with gas off campus. The gas cards are kept with the secretarial staff in a folder, in the main office, if you need one you will indicate so on your reservation. If you fill up at a regular gas station, it is required that you bring your receipts and the gas card folder back to the office, when you return the truck keys. If you don’t bring in your receipts, it will jeopardize your future use of department trucks.
- When using the trucks for field work, exceed 100 miles, or you get the truck dirty, it is required that you wash and vacuum the vehicle at the BYU station (using the blue or orange key fob) upon the return of your vehicle. This is to be indicated on the back of the truck information card. If the truck is reported dirty by the next user, you will not be allowed to use department trucks.
- The BYU carwash at the service station is open during business hour, if you are unable to make this, then you will need to use an off campus carwash. If this is impossible, you will need to contact the PWS office.
- BYU has a service stations which allows whoever has the key, to use on department vehicles. The service station has gas pumps, car wash and vacuums. It is preferred that the service station is used to maintain the vehicles as mention on the two previous bullets.
- Let us know promptly if any accidents happen while you are in possession of the truck. You will not be charged for any damage. We will take care of the truck after the accident. All that you will need to do is fill out a Risk Management Form. If you are injured, please let us know, in order for us to fill out a Personal Injury Report for insurance purposes. Contact Carolyn Vermeulen at 801-422-2760 if any incidents occur (this includes scratches, dings, cracked windshields, etc).
- If an accident happens outside of standard office hours, or you cannot reach the PWS office, please contact University Police (801-422-2222).
- Trucks are to be returned to their assigned parking stall. If you have questions on where each department vehicle is parked, just ask the PWS staff.
- Trucks are required to be returned in a timely manner, per the reservation made on the online reservation page. If trucks are late, per your reservation, your access to checkout department vehicles will be taken away. If you know you will be late, please call and let the department know.
- Truck keys are to be picked up and returned during PWS office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding holidays, in room LSB 4105) and according to your reservation. If there is a change to a reservation or a special circumstance, please contact the PWS office. Upon being returned all gassing, washing and vacuuming must be complete, based on if you meet the requirement above.
- Whoever makes the reservation online for the truck is the only one allowed to drive, use, and return the truck and its resources. You are not allowed to make reservations for someone else. Each person is required to have individual access to the truck reservation website, in order to drive department trucks.
- If multiple people will be driving the truck during the reservation, all names of drivers should be listed on the “Driver of Vehicle” section on the truck information card.
- Please make sure to inspect the truck before and after driving to check for any damage or problems that might have occurred and report to PWS office if any.