European Gardens and Urban Agriculture:
Study Abroad Spring 2023
The European Gardens and Urban Agriculture class is designed to provide the best experience in distinguishing beautiful landscape features and how cities grow food indoor or on roof tops while maintaining a positive, healthy environment. We will study sustainable plant systems through creating environmentally beautiful and renewable resources in major cities of Europe.
European Gardens and Urban Agriculture study abroad will examine the differing design and indoor agricultural features of England, France, Belgium, and Netherlands; all of which have unique design characteristics that make them beautiful yet exclusive. We will link basic design principles and incorporate distinctive features and plants associated with England, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Plant systems and Landscape architecture create food in urban areas and helps us make informed decisions when purchasing plants and landscape materials and understand how they create art in the landscape, understand how plants influence the environment, understand plant biology, identify issues and challenges dealing with landscape planning and maintenance, and enjoy plants more while understanding their role in the built environment. We will highlight differences and similarities of the plants and growing conditions of different regions but will also identify unique landscape characteristics and what technology allows us to do in indoor food production. We will observe public gardens to learn design styles and plant materials essential for those designs and gain an appreciation for the central importance of plants in our world and society. This will be an active study abroad as we tour through multiple gardens, greenhouses, roof top gardens, and flower markets. We will visit with professionals, design our own landscapes, and enjoy historical locations.

20 May–24 June 2023 (official dates TBA)
Hotels and hostels in England, France, Belgium, and Netherlands
Courses Offered
PWS 100 Plants in the environment (3 credit hours) How plants influence humans
PWS 103 Residential Landscape Design (3 credit hours) design and composition as applied to development of residential grounds; fulfills the Arts GE requirement for Arts, Letters and Sciences, and major requirement for PLS majors
PWS 320 Sustainable Plant Systems (3 credit hours) controlled environment horticulture for domestic and global food security
PWS 331 Science of Plant Pest Control (3 credit hours) management of plant health; fulfills major requirement for landscape management major
PWS 494R Mentored Research (3 credits) develop your own project based on your interests with mentoring from Matt Arrington or Brad Geary
Participants may not take any other courses on this program, including BYU Online courses, without approval by the program director and ISP.

Includes Latter-day Saint undergraduate full tuition (increased cost for graduate and Non-Latter-day Saint students), housing, in country travel, entrance fees, and international health insurance coverage.
Does not include international airfare or personal expenses. Some but not all meals will be included in the program cost.
Students are responsible for purchasing their own airfare to and from the program. Airfare reservations must be made through BYU Travel. Students should contact a BYU Travel agent at:
BYU Travel | 801-422-6293 | | 280 HRCB
No prerequisites required. This study abroad is for students in any major. Students are required to participate in an international, cross-cultural preparation course (IAS 201R, 1 credit hour). This evening course will be held during the second block of winter semester. (Part-time and non-BYU students will need to pay an additional tuition fee for enrolling in the prep class.) Accompanying spouses need to be credit-bearing participants on the program. Spouses will also need to apply online and take the preparation course.

Funding Sources
University funding is available to help fund study abroad experiences. Contact Professors Matt Arrington or Brad Geary for details. Regular BYU tuition scholarships, Pell Grants, and Federal Insured Student Loans may be applied to study abroad programs. Students who submit the financial aid section of the ISP application and who have a current FAFSA form on file at the Financial Aid Office (A-41 ASB) will be considered for a study abroad scholarship. Academic departments and colleges may assist with scholarships and grants. Private grants and scholarships outside of BYU may also assist (seek
Application Process
Students must be adults 18 years-of-age or older. Complete the online application at The application requires a $35 fee. Applicants will be interviewed once the application is complete. Students will be notified via e-mail of their acceptance into the program. The first payment is due upon acceptance. Please refer to the Payment Information document (see
Application Deadline: 15 December 2022

Matt Arrington and Brad Geary are faculty directors of the program and are professors in the Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences at Brigham Young University. Feel free to contact us with any questions you have.
Interested Students Can Also Contact
International Study Programs | 101 HRCB | (801) 422-3686 | |
Program Adjustments
International Study Programs (ISP) reserves the right to cancel this program, revise its offerings, or make any adjustments to the preliminary cost. If it becomes necessary for ISP to cancel a program, all program payments made to BYU ISP will be refunded to the student’s BYU financial account. ISP is the only office authorized to cancel any of its programs.