Method Papers
Lewis DH, Jarvis DE, Maughan PJ (2020) SSRgenotyper: A simple sequence repeat genotyping application for whole genome resequencing and reduced representational sequencing projects. Appl Plant Sci.
Maughan PJ, Udall JA, Jellen EN (2015) Genomic reduction assisted single nucleotide polymorphism discovery using 454-Pyrosequencing. In: J. Batley (ed). Plant Genotyping. Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Vol. 1245. pp. 169-182
Smith SM, Maughan PJ (2015) SNP Genotyping using the KASParTM Assay. In: J. Batley (ed). Plant Genotyping. Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Vol. 1245. pp. 243-256
Cronn R, Knaus B, Liston A, Maughan PJ, Parks M, Syring J, Udall J (2012) Targeted enrichment strategies for Next-Generation plant biology. Am. J. Bot.
MaughanPJ, Yourstone SM, Byers RL, Smith S, Udall JA (2010) SNP genotyping in mapping populations via genomic reduction and next-generation sequencing: Proof-of-concept. Plant Genome
Hittalmani S, Girish TN, Biradar H, Maughan PJ, (2008) Development of mapping populations: Descriptions and implications. In: C Kole (ed) Principles and Practices of Plant Molecular Mapping and Breeding. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg. pp. 69-91