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Frequently Asked Questions

  • The price depends on which tests you want run. Our packages start at $24 per sample, and individual tests start at $6 per sample. Some tests require much more time or expensive reagents, and the full list of prices can be found on our "Price Lists" page.
  • One pint (two cups) of soil is all we need to perform the analysis. Instructions for collecting soil can be found on our "Sample Submission" tab.

    We need 500 ml (two cups) perform your water analysis. This amount is comparable to the size of a plastic soda bottle that you could buy in a vending machine, which holds about 590 ml.

    For plant tissue analysis, we need two handfuls of wet material, or about 10 g dried and ground material.

    For other materials or specific tests, please call to inquire about the minimum sample submission volume.
  • There are two ways you can bring in your soil, plant, or water to be tested: by mail, or in person.

    If you are submitting your soil in person come to the east loading dock of the life sciences building. Place your sample in our drop box, or call us at (801) 422-2147 and we will come out to take your samples from you!

    If you are submitting you soil via mail be sure to seal each sample securely so that the samples don't mix in the mailing process! After labeling, securing, and packaging your samples address your delivery to:

    Environmental Analytical Lab - 4105 LSB Plant & Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University Provo, UT 84602
  • Current sample submission turn around is 5-7 business days for standard analyses. Larger submissions (>40 samples) may take 2-3 months. Call for better estimates: 801-422-2147.
  • The laboratory is located within the Life Sciences Building of BYU campus. The building is located on the south side of BYU campus along 800 N. If you are driving east towards the mountains on 800 N you turn left onto 580 E (If you see Campus Plaza or SLAB Pizza you have gone too far). From 580 E you can pull into the loading dock of the LSB.

    After arriving at the loading dock you can either call us at (801) 422-2147 and we will meet you to take you samples, or you can leave the samples in our drop box which you will find in the northeast corner of the loading dock area labeled "BYU ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYTICAL LAB" in large white letters with a completed sample submission form.
  • After sending your report you will receive an invoice via mail and email from the laboratory. You may make payments on your account using a check or credit card. Paying by credit card will require setting up an account with the University. Payment instructions are included on the invoice.
  • The amount of fertilizer to be applied to your lawn will vary by lawn size and nutrient composition of your soil. When you receive your results from the laboratory, you will see the nutrient composition of your soil along with a recommendation of how much of the nutrient to apply per 1,000 sq feet. Using this you can determine how much fertilizer you will need depending on the percentages of N, P2O5 & K2O as listed on the front of the fertilizer bag (we can assist you with this if you need help!). This can then be used in accordance with the size of your lawn to determine the amount of fertilizer to be applied.
  • Depending on where you live, the different mix of nutrients in your soil are best suited to different plants. We recommend that the home gardener send in soil at least twice a year.

    With your first sample you can determine what plants thrive under your soil conditions. Different plants grow better at different levels of acidity, and also require different nutrient combinations (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium). Talking your results over with a garden specialist will help you decide what to plant for the year!

    After planting your garden, send in another sample during the growing season so that you can understand what's happening in your problem areas. Doing this will allow you to have a more defined picture of your garden as a whole, allowing you to make fertilizer adjustments in those problem areas. Getting the proper mix of nutrients for your plants is essential to ensuring plant growth, vibrant color, and blooming of your plants.

    To learn more about how soil testing can help you take care of your home lawn and garden give us a call at (801) 422-2147.
  • The full list of EAL methods, procedures, and instruments is available on our "Resources" tab, but our current list of instruments includes:
    • FIALab FIAlyzer 1000
    • Shimadzu TOC/TDN-L
    • Elementar Vario EL Cube
    • Perkin Elmer AAnalyst 200
    • Thermo Electron iCAP 7400 ICP-OES
    • CEM Mars 6 Microwave Digester
    • Thermo Scientific Genesys 30 Spectrophotometer
    • YSI MultiLab 4010-3W
    • YSI TitroLine 5000