We are always accepting graduate student applications. Before going through any official process, send your CV and letter of intent to Ben. You can find all the application process details on the BYU Graduate Studies website.
We currently are recruiting M.S. or Ph.D. candidates for three project:
If you are interested and passionate about making a better future for God's children and creation, please join our lab. Whether you just have a few hours to give or want to make this your defining experience at BYU, we want you on our team. No prior experience is required. All majors and backgrounds are welcome! Check out our lab values, and read the instructions below to get involved today.
There are three general ways to get involved.
First, you can volunteer in any of our research, education, or policy projects. We are working on everything from sustainability on campus to global climate feedbacks. No formal application is required, just send an email to Ben and he will add you to the lab email list.
Second, you can enroll in the mentored learning experience class (PWS 494R). In this course, you get university credit for your activities in the lab. You will work with Ben and other lab members to develop a project or contribute to an existing project. This course is variable credit, so you can sign up for 0.5 to 6 credit hours. Just count on spending 2-3 hours a week for each credit hour. Email Ben so he can send you the add codes.
Third, you can work for pay. If you have particular skills or needs, you can get hired as a student employee in the lab. Typically, this occurs for students who have done mentored research in the past, but there is some flexibility. Email Ben if you are interested.