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Morris JR, Petersen SL, Madsen MD, McMillan BR. Immature seedling fate and growth dynamics of the native grass, elymus elymoides. 71st Annual Meeting for the Society for Range Management. Sparks, Nevada, USA. 2018.


(*Denotes Student Author)

Baxter*, J.J., R.J. Baxter, and R.T. Larsen. How do translocations influence vital rates of a recovering greater sage-grouse population? Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2016.

Fullmer* J.D., Larsen RT, Black T, and B. Davis*. Are Remote Cameras a Viable Method to Estimate Mule Deer Populations? Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2016.

Baxter*, J.J., R.J. Baxter, and R.T. Larsen. Response of a sagebrush obligate bird to mechanical alteration of critical brood-rearing habitat? Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Mexico City, Mexico. 2016.

Hall*, L. K., R. T. Larsen, R. N. Knight, and B. R. McMillan. Long line at the drinking fountain: do horses negatively influence spatial and temporal use of water by native ungulates? Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2016.

Hall*, L. K., R. T. Larsen, R. N. Knight, and B. R. McMillan. What drives use of limiting resources by a small desert carnivore: predators or habitat preference? Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Mexico City, Mexico. 2016.

Hall*, J. E.D. Freeman*, R.T .Larsen, K.R. Hersey, J.M. Shannon, and B.R. McMillan. Impacts of coyote removal on the survival of mule deer fawns. Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Mexico City, Mexico. 2016.

Richards*, K., R.T. Larsen, M.G. Crane, R. Lawrence, R.K. Knight, and B.R. McMillan. Optimization of scent stations for monitoring populations of kit fox? Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists. Mexico City, Mexico. 2016.

Nix*, J., R. Howell*, L.K.Hall*, C. Day*, and B.R. McMillan. Influences of periodic increases in human activity on mammalian behavior along a riparian corridor. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Moab, Utah. 2016.


Watkins, L.*, L.K. Hall*, R.T. Larsen, R.K. Knight, and B.R. McMillan. The effect of water source removal on wildlife communities. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Moab, Utah. 2015.

Hall*, L. K., C. T. Lambert*, R. T. Larsen, R. N. Knight, and B. R. McMillan. Desert bats and water: the importance of flight maneuverability in a changing climate. Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Association of Naturalists, Oregon. 2015.

Hall*, L. K., C. T. Lambert*, R. T. Larsen, R. N. Knight, and B. R. McMillan. Outmaneuvering the impacts of climate change: do small desert bats have a morphological advantage? Oral presentation. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah. 2015.

Hall*, J., R.T. Larsen, K.R. Hersey, and B.R. McMillan. Survival of mule deer fawns born inside and outside the peak parturition period. Annual meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah. 2015.

Hall*, J., R.T. Larsen, K.R. Hersey, J. M. Shannon, and B.R. McMillan. Impacts of coyote removal on the survival of mule deer fawns. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Deer and Elk Workshop, Canmore, Alberta, Canada. 2015.


Dunken S*, P.J. Maughan, R. Baxter, B.R. McMillan, R.T. Larsen. Influence of translocation on greater sage-grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah: Has genetic diversity increased following augmentation. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society. St. George, Utah. 2014.

Hall*, L.K., M.D. Westover*, C.C. Day*, R.N. Knight*, R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Exotic herbivore influences wildlife community use of a scarce resource in a semi-arid environment. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2014.

Hall*, J.T., L.K. Hall*, R.T. Larsen, R.N. Knight, and B.R. McMillan. Do subordinate carnivores alter temporal and spatial activity to reduce competition with dominant carnivores at water sources? Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2014.

Lambert*, C.T., L.K. Hall*, R.T. Larsen, R.N. Knight, and B.R. McMillan. Competition among desert bats at water sources: influence of surface area and habitat complexity. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2014.

Lambert*, C.T., L.K. Hall*, R.T. Larsen, R.N. Knight, and B.R. McMillan. Competition among desert bats at water sources: influence of surface area and habitat complexity. 94th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 2014.

Sharp*, T., S.B. St. Clair*, and B.R. McMillan. Desert seedling survival: The interacting effects of fire and small mammals. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Sacramento, California. 2014.

Sharp*, T., and B.R. McMillan. Short-term direct and indirect effects of fire on desert small mammals. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2014.

Taylor*, J., S. Bates*, J. Whiting, B.R McMillan, and R.T. Larsen. Estimating population size of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep: a comparison of multiple mark-resight methods. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2014.

Smedley*, D.C., R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Movements and Survival of Translocated Mule Deer in Central Utah. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2014.

Dunken*, S., P.J. Maughan, R.J. Baxter, B.R. McMillan, and R.T. Larsen. Influence of translocation on greater sage-grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah: has genetic variation increase after augmentation? Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2014.

Freeman*, E.D., R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Selection of sites for parturition by mule deer in southern Utah. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah. 2014.

Burr*, P.C., A.C. Robinson*, R.T. Larsen, and S. Ellis-Felege. Impacts of gas and oil development on sharp-tailed grouse nest success in western North Dakota. 21st Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 2014.


Dunken* S, P.J. Maughan, R. Baxter, B.R. McMillan, R.T. Larsen. Genetic consequences of translocation of greater sage-grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildife Society. 2013.

Dunken* S, P.J. Maughan, R. Baxter, B.R. McMillan, R.T. Larsen. Genetic consequences of translocation of greater sage-grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Bryce Canyon City, Utah. 2013.

Gooch*, A.J., S.L. Petersen, B.R. McMillan, T.S. Smith. Feral horse impacts on pronghorn use of watering holes on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. Society for Range Management. Oklahoma City, OK. 2013.

Freeman*, E.D., R.T. Larsen, K.R. Hersey, M.E. Peterson*, C.R. Anderson Jr., and B.R. McMillan. Effects of male-biased harvest on mule deer: implications for rates of pregnancy and synchrony/timing of parturition. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Mule Deer and Elk Workshop, Missoula, Montana. 2013.

Burr*, P.C., A.C. Robinson*, R.T. Larsen, and S. Ellis-Felege. Impacts of gas and oil development on sharp-tailed grouse nest success and predator dynamics in western North Dakota. Annual Meeting of The North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 2013.

Burr*, P.C., A.C. Robinson*, R.T. Larsen, and S. Ellis-Felege. Impacts of gas and oil development on mammalian predator habitat use in western North Dakota. 20th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2013.

Westover*, M.D., C.C. Day*, and R.T. Larsen. Assessing greater sage-grouse selection of brood-rearing habitat using remotely-sensed imagery: can readily available high-resolution imagery be used to identify brood-rearing habitat across a broad landscape? 20th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2013.

Hall*, L.K., M.D. Westover*, C.C. Day*, R.N. Knight, R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Influence of an exotic ungulate on community dynamics of wildlife at water sources in the Great Basin Desert. 20th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2013.

Hall*, L.K., R.T. Larsen, R.N. Knight, K.D. Bunnell, and B.R. McMillan. Water developments and canids in two North American deserts: a test of the indirect effect of water hypothesis. Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Freeman*, E.D., R.T. Larsen, K.R. Hersey, M.E. Peterson*, C.R. Anderson Jr., and B.R. McMillan. Effects of sex ratio on reproduction of mule deer: pregnancy and parturition synchrony/timing. Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Baxter*, J.J., R.J. Baxter, and R.T. Larsen. Estimating greater sage-grouse chick survival in Strawberry Valley, Utah using Lukac’s young survival from marked adults model. Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Smedley*, D., R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Movements and survival of translocated mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in central Utah. Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Taylor*, J., S. Bates, J. Whiting, and R.T. Larsen. Counting sheep doesn’t put us to sleep: combining remote camera technology with mark-resight methods. Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Edgel*, R.E., J.L. Pierce*, and R.T. Larsen. Pygmy rabbit habitat selection in Utah: does sagebrush (Artemisia sp.) age influence selection? Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Baxter*, J.J., J.P. Henefer*, R.J. Baxter, R.T. Larsen, and J.T. Flinders. Survival of greater sage-grouse chicks in Strawberry Valley, Utah using micro-transmitters: does handling time negatively influence survival rates? Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Balzotti*, C., S. Petersen, R.T. Larsen, R. Forester, M. Power, J. Randall, and P. Dennison. Ecological modeling of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) habitat in Utah. Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Ellis*, K., R.T. Larsen, and J.F. Cavitt. Snowy plover nest survival at Great Salt Lake, Utah. Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Ellis*, K., R.T. Larsen, and J.F. Cavity. Snowy plover nest survival at Great Salt Lake, Utah. 2013. Annual Meeting of The Association of Field Ornithologists, Venus, Florida. 2013.

Balzotti*, C., P. Dennison, S. Petersen, R.T. Larsen, R. Forester, and M. Power. Sage grouse habitat models for the state of Utah. 66th Annual Meeting of The Society for Range Management, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 2013.

Sharp*, T., B.R. McMillan. Effects of fire and small mammals on desert plant communities. Annual Meeting of The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2013.

Day, C.C.*, M.D. Westover*, B.R. McMillan. Factors affecting initial survival of translocated river otters. 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2013.

Webb, A.S., C.C. Day*, M.D. Westover*, B.R. McMillan, P.A. Zellner. Preliminary evidence of niche partitioning among mammals in a riparian corridor. 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2013.

Hall*, L.K, M.D. Westover*, C.C. Day*, R.N Knight, R.T. Larsen, B.R. McMillan. Influence of an exotic ungulate on community dynamics of wildlife at water sources in the Great Basin Desert. 93rd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 2013.

Sharp*, T., B.R. McMillan. Effects of small mammals on seedling establishment in burned and unburned desert plant communities. 11th International Mammalogical Congress, Belfast, Ireland. 2013.


Gooch*, A.J., S.L. Petersen, G. Collins, T.S. Smith, B.R. McMillan. Feral Horse (Equus caballus) Impacts on Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) Use of Watering Holes on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012.

Burr*, P.C., A.C. Robinson*, R.T. Larsen, and S.N. Ellis-Felege. Impacts of gas and oil development on predation at sharp-tailed grouse (Tympanuchus phasianellus) nests in western North Dakota. 19th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Portland, Oregon. 2012.

Edgel*, R.J., R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Short-term response of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) to construction of the Ruby Pipeline in northern Utah. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada. 2012.

Hall*, L.K., C.C. Day*, M.D. Westover*, R.J. Edgel*, R.T. Larsen, R.N. Knight, and B.R. McMillan. A test of alternate hypotheses explaining vigilance behavior of kit foxes at water sources. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada. 2012.

Baxter, R.J., R.T. Larsen, J.T. Flinders, and M. Farmer. Greater sage-grouse use of mechanical habitat treatments in Strawberry Valley, Utah. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Bingham*, R.J. and R.T. Larsen. Evaluating chukars as population engineers: supplementation and expansion through translocation. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Robinson*, R., T.S. Smith, R.T. Larsen, and B.J. Kirschhoffer. Factors influencing the efficacy of handheld forward-looking infrared in polar bear den detection. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Smedley*, D.C.and R.T. Larsen. Use of wildlife water developments: how long does it take wildlife to discover and use new guzzlers? The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Westover*, M.D., L.K. Hall, C.C. Day*, R.N. Knight, R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Diversity of wildlife associated with natural and anthropogenic sources of water in the Great Basin Desert, Utah. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Freeman*, E.D., R.T. Larsen, K.C. Clegg, and B.R. McMillan. Factors influencing antler size in two North American cervids. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Kaze*, J.T., J.C. Whiting, S. Bates, and R.T. Larsen. Birth-site selection in bison: influence of topography and proximity to anthropogenic features. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Shields*, A.V., R.T. Larsen, and J.C. Whiting. Watering patterns of desert mule deer in the Great Basin: differential use by individuals and sex. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Edgel*, R.J. and R.T. Larsen. Short-term response of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) to construction of the Ruby Pipeline in northern Utah. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Hall*, L.K., C.C. Day*, M.D. Westover*, R.J. Edgel*, R.T. Larsen, B.R. McMillan, and R.N. Knight. Factors influencing the behavior of kit fox at water sources in the Mojave Desert. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Lucero*, J.E., B.R. McMillan, and P.S. Allen. Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), native grasses, and small ammals in the Great Basin: a test of the apparent competition hypothesis. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Freeman*, E.D., R.T. Larsen, K.C. Klegg, and B.R. McMillan. Factors influencing antler size in two North American cervids. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Westover*, M.D., L.K. Hall, C.C. Day*, R.N. Knight, R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Diversity of wildlife associated with natural and anthropogenic sources of water in the Great Basin Desert, Utah. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Gooch*, A., S. Petersen, G. Collins, T. Smith, and B.R. McMillan. Feral horse impacts on pronghorn use of watering holes on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

Day, C.C.*, M.D. Westover*, and B.R. McMillan. Daily and seasonal use of latrines by the northern river otter (Lontra canadensis) in Utah. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Springdale, Utah. 2012.

McMillan, B.R., J.E. Lucero*, and E.D. Freeman*. Small mammals and cheatgrass in the Great Basin: the role of food-mediated and refuge-mediated apparent competition. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada. 2012.

Hall*, L.K., C.C. Day*, M. D. Westover*, R.J. Edgel, R.T. Larsen, R.N. Knight, and B.R. McMillan. A test of alternate hypotheses explaining vigilance behavior of kit foxes at water sources. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada. 2012.

Edges, R.J., R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Short-term response of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) to construction of the Ruby Pipeline in northern Utah. 92nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Reno, Nevada. 2012.

McMillan, B.R., J.E. Lucero*, E.D. Freeman*, E.J. Tillman. Apparent competition in the Great Basin Desert: a test of small mammal facilitation of invasion by cheatgrass. 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. 2012.

St. Clair, S.B., K.J. Horn*, and B.R. McMillan. Fire alters top-down effects of small mammal granivores on Mojave Desert plant communities. 97th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. 2012.


Freeman*, E.D., B.R. McMillan, and R.T. Larsen. Long-lasting effects of maternal condition in free-ranging cervids: a test of the Trivers and Willard Hypothesis. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, Oregon. 2011.

Edgel*, R.E., R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Short-term response of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) to construction of the Ruby pipeline in northern Utah. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, Oregon. 2011.

Edgel*, R.E., R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Impacts from the construction of a large-scale pipeline in northern Utah on natal dispersal of pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis). 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii. 2011.

Pierce*, J.E., R.T. Larsen, J.T. Flinders, and J.C. Whiting. Fragmentation of sagebrush communities: does an increase in habitat edge impact pygmy rabbits? 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii. 2011.

Bingham*, R.J., R.T. Larsen, J.A. Bissonette, J.O. Hall, and F.P. Howe. Causes of lead-pellet ingestion by chukars in western Utah. 129th Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Jacksonville, Florida. 2011.

Bingham*, R.J., R.T. Larsen, J.A. Bissonette, and J.O. Hall. Consequences of lead-pellet ingestion by chukars in western Utah. 129th Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union, Jacksonville, Florida. 2011.

Bingham*, R.J., R.T. Larsen, J.A. Bissonette, J.O. Hall, and F.P. Howe. Causes, extent, and consequences of lead-pellet ingestion by chukars in western Utah: examining habitat, search images, and toxicology. 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii. 2011.

Baxter, R.J., R.T Larsen, and J. T. Flinders. Survival and cause-specific mortality of resident and translocated greater sage grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah: a 13-year study. 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii. 2011.

Hall*, L.K., B.R. McMillan, R.T. Larsen, R.N. Knight, and K.D. Bunnell. Use of available drinking water by two desert canids: a test of the indirect effect of water hypothesis. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, Oregon. 2011.

Westover*, M.D., L.K. Hall*, C.C. Day*, R.N. Knight, R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Diversity of wildlife associated with natural and anthropogenic water sources in the Great Basin Desert, Utah. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, Oregon. 2011.

Day*, C.C., L.K. Hall*, M.D. Westover*, R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. Factors influencing the behavior of kit fox at water sources in the Mojave Desert. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, Oregon. 2011.

Hall*, L.K., B.R. McMillan, R.T. Larsen, R.N. Knight, and K.D. Bunnell. Potential indirect effects of man-made water sources on kit fox in western deserts. 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, Hawaii. 2011.

Lucero*, J.E., B.R. McMillan, P.S. Allen. Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), native grasses, and small ammals in the Great Basin: a testof the apparent competition hypothesis. 91st Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Portland, Oregon. 2011.

Day*, C.C., M.D. Westover*, B.R. McMillan. A synthetic review of the diet of the northern river otter (Lontra canadensis). The 11th International Otter Colloquium, Pavia, Italy. 2011.


Pierce*, J.E., R.T. Larsen, J.T. Flinders, and J.C. Whiting. Fragmentation of sagebrush communities: does and increase in habitat edge impact pygmy rabbits? The Idaho Chapter of the Society for Range Management’s Annual Conference, Idaho Falls, Idaho. 2010.

Danvir, R., R.T. Larsen, D. Dahlgren, and G. Wilson. Shrub-steppe management with time-controlled grazing and periodic range treatments: effects on greater sage grouse population demographics and habitat use. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2010.

Danvir, R., R.T. Larsen, D. Dahlgren, and G. Wilson. Shrub-steppe management with time-controlled grazing and periodic range treatments: effects on greater sage grouse population demographics and habitat use. The Annual Meetings of The Society for Range Management, Denver, Colorado. (Invited Presentation). 2010.

Shannon*, J.M., J.C. Whiting, D. Olson, R.T. Larsen, and J.T. Flinders. Survival rates of bighorn sheep before and after exposure to domestic sheep. Biannual meeting of the Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council. Hood River, Oregon. 2010.

Pierce*, J.E., R.T. Larsen, J.T. Flinders, and J.C. Whiting. Fragmentation of sagebrush communities: does and increase in habitat edge impact pygmy rabbits? The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2010.

Shields*, A. and R.T. Larsen. Identifying behavioral constraints that limit use of otherwise available free water by ungulates. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2010.

Olson*, J., J.E. Pierce, R.T. Larsen, and J.T. Flinders. Comparative sizes of home ranges used by pygmy rabbits (Brachylagus idahoensis) in untreated and mechanically treated big sagebrush. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2010.

Horn, K.J., B.R. McMillan, and S.B. St. Clair. Plant invasions and altered fire regimes in the Mojave Desert: Effects on small mammals. 90th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, Wyoming. 2010.

McMillan, B.R., D.J. Martin*, J.D. Erb, T.A. Gorman*, and D.P. Walsh. Diel activity patters of river otters (Lontra canadensis) in the northern Great Plains. 90th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, Wyoming. 2010.

Hutchins*, E., B.R. McMillan, and J.G. Guidice. Birds of Minnesota Wetlands: the influence of a plant invasion. Minnesota Wetlands Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2010.

Day*, C.C., M.D. Westover*, B.R. McMillan, and J. Dolling. The reintroduction and ecological investigation of the northern river otter along the Wasatch Front. Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society. Utah. 2010.

Lee*, J.E., R.T. Larsen, and G.M. Booth. The cycle of learning in a case study involving pygmy rabbits: classroom instruction, field work, and back to the classroom teaching. SENCER & NCSCE Washington Symposium and Capitol Hill Poster Session. Washington, D.C. 2009.

Larsen, R.T., J.A. Bissonette, J.T. Flinders, and A.C. Robinson*. Chukar (Alectoris chukar) response to free water. The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Monterey, California. 2009.

Baxter, R.J., R.T. Larsen, and J.T. Flinders. Factors affecting survival of resident and translocated greater sage grouse in Strawberry Valley, Utah: A ten-year data set. The Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Monterey, California. 2009.

Larsen, R.T. Extracting useful information from “zero-heavy” count data in wildlife studies: lessons from evaluation of chukar, mule deer, and pronghorn use of water sources. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2009.

Lee*, J.L., R.T. Larsen, and J.T. Flinders. Home range, habitat use, survival and management recommendations for the pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) in treated and untreated big sagebrush. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Bryce Canyon, Utah. 2009.

McMillan, B.R., A.S. Haug*, J. Auger, and H.L. Black. Current status and interspecific association of Microdipodops megacephalus (dark kangaroo mouse) in Utah. 89th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Fairbank, Alaska. 2009.

Horn*, K.J., B.R. McMillan, S.B. St. Clair. Small mammal responses to fire in the Mojave Desert. Graduate Student Research Conference, Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University. Utah. 2009.

Haug*, A.S., J. Auger, H.L. Black, R.T. Larsen, and B.R. McMillan. The correlation between the diversity of nocturnal granivorous rodents and the relative abundance of the dark kangaroo mouse, Microdipodops megacephalus. Graduate Student Research Conference, Department of Plant and Wildlife Sciences, Brigham Young University. Utah. 2009.

Bingham*, R.J., R.T. Larsen, J.A. Bissonette, and J.T. Flinders. Causes and consequences of lead pellet ingestion in chukars. USGS and Peregrine Fund sponsored conference on ingestion of spent lead ammunition: implications for wildlife and humans. Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. 2008.

Hutchins*, E., B.R. McMillan. Preliminary results on the effects of reed canarygrass on avian diversity and reproductive success. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Alexandria, Minnesota. 2007.

Munsterman*, A.L, B.R. McMillan, K.J. Harold son, and J.G. Guide. An Evaluation of Factors that Influence Indices of Population Size for Ring-Necked Pheasants. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. 2007.

Bade*, R. and B.R. Mcmillan. Impacts of Reed Canarygrass (Phalaris arundinacea L.) on Small Mammals. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. 2007.

Hutchins*, E., B.R. McMillan. The effects of reed canary grass on avian diversity and reproductive success. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. 2007.

Bade*, R.W., B.R. McMillan. Effects of a plant invasion on diversity of small mammals in sedge meadows of Minnesota. 87th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2007.

Larsen, R.T., J.T. Flinders, J.A. Bissonette, and D.L. Mitchell. A developing framework for understanding benefits of wildlife water developments: the chukar (Alectoris chukar) model. USGS Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Meeting, Logan, Utah. 2007.

Larsen, R.T., J.T. Flinders, J.A. Bissonette, and D.L. Mitchell. Spatio-temporal dynamics of chukars and water developments: implications for management and future research. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2007.

Robinson*, A.R., R.T. Larsen, J.T. Flinders, and D.L. Mitchell. Preliminary analysis of seasonal survival and brood habitat selection by chukars (Alectoris chukar) in Utah. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2007.

Lee*, J.L., R.T. Larsen, and J.T. Flinders. Pygmy rabbit (Brachylagus idahoensis) behavioral ecology in relationship to treated and untreated mosaics of big sagebrush in Grass Valley, Utah. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2007.

Bentley*, D.F., R.T. Larsen, and J.T. Flinders. Spatial and temporal movement of radio collars by scavengers in the Fish Springs Mountains, Juab County, Utah: implications for radio telemetry studies. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2007.

Lee*, J.L., J. Alston, R.T. Larsen, J.T. Flinders, and K.D. Bunnell. Limiting factors affecting the pygmy rabbit in Grass Valley, Utah. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2006.

Robinson*, A.C., R.T. Larsen, J.T. Flinders, and D.L. Mitchell. Differential mortality of chukars during fall raptor migration. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah. 2006.

Larsen, R.T., J.T. Flinders, D.L. Mitchell, and E.R. Perkins. 2006. Watering patterns and water site selection by chukars in the Great Basin. The Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Moab, Utah.

Larsen, R.T., J.T. Flinders, D.L. Mitchell, A. Robinson*. 2006. Conservation implications of chukars in western North America. The Society for Range Management National Meetings. Vancouver, British Columbia.