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(78 peer-reviewed publications, 1820 Google Scholar citations)
*graduate (53) and #undergraduate (25) co-authorships mentored in the St. Clair lab

*Bishop T, Gill R, McMillan B, St. Clair SB (2020). Fire, rodent herbivory and plant competition: implications for invasion and altered fire regimes in the Mojave Desert. Oecologia 192: 155-167.

*Bishop T, #Nusink B, #Molinari R, #Taylor J, St. Clair SB (2020) Earlier fall Precipitation and low severity fire impacts on cheatgrass and sagebrush establishment. Ecosphere 11 (1): 1-13 e03019.

*Taylor J, #Cass K, #Armond D, Madsen M, Pearson D, St. Clair SB (2020) Deterring rodent seed-predation using seed-coating technologies. Restoration Ecology

St. Clair SB, *Bishop T (2019) Loss of biotic resistance and high propagule pressure promote invasive grass-fire cycles. Journal of Ecology 107: 1995-2005

*Maxwell J, St. Clair SB (2019) Snowpack properties vary in response to burn severity gradients in montane forests. Environmental Research Letters 14: 124094

*Molinari R, *Bishop T, Bekker M, Kitchen S, Allphin L, St. Clair SB (2019) Creosote growth rate and reproduction increase in post-fire environments. Ecology and Evolution 9: 12897-12905.

Aanderud Z, Bahr J, Robinson D, Belnap J, Campbell T, Gill R, McMillan B, St. Clair SB (2019). Burning of biocrusts facilitates emergence of a bare soil community of poorly-connected chemoheterophic
bacteria with depressed ecosystem services.
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 467.

*Bishop T, Munson S, Gill R, Belnap J, St. Clair SB (2019) Spatiotemporal patterns of cheatgrass invasion in the Colorado Plateau National Parks.
Landscape Ecology 34:925-941.

*Maxwell J, Rhodes A, St. Clair SB (2019)
Human altered disturbance patterns and forest succession: impacts of ungulate herbivory and competition.
Oecologia 189: 1061-1070.

*Day J, #Birrell J, #Terry T, St. Clair SB (2019)
Comparisons of invertebrate community responses to fire and rodent activity in the Mojave and Great Basin deserts.
Ecology and Evolution 9:6052-6067.

*Maxwell J, #Call A, St. Clair SB (2019) Wildfire and topography impacts on snow accumulation and retention in montane forests.
Forest Ecology and Management 432: 256-263

*Rhodes A, #Fitch C, St. Clair SB (2019) Ungulate herbivory is correlated with reductions in aspen growth rates and recruitment.
Rangeland Ecology and Management 72: 454-460.

*Horn KJ et al. (2018) Varying responses of 94 tree species to nitrogen and sulfur deposition across the conterminous U.S.
PLoS ONE, 13: 1-19 e0205296

*Rhodes A, Larsen R, *Maxwell J, St. Clair SB (2018)
Temporal patterns of ungulate herbivory and phenology of aspen regeneration and defense.
Oecologia, 188:707-719

*Call A, St. Clair SB (2018).
Timing and mode of simulated ungulate herbivory alter aspen defense strategies. Tree Physiology 38: 1476-1485

*Day J, *Bishop T, St. Clair SB (2018)
Fire and rodents alter ant community abundance and diversity in a semi-arid desert. Ecosphere: 9(7): 1-14, e02344.

Gill R, *O’Connor R, *Rhodes A, *Bishop T, Laughlin D. St. Clair SB (2018)
Niche opportunities for invasive annual plants in dryland ecosystems are controlled by disturbance, trophic interactions, and rainfall. Oecologia 187: 755-765.

*Rhodes A, Larsen R, *Maxwell J, St. Clair SB (2018)
Differential effects of cattle, mule deer, and elk herbivory on forest regeneration and recruitment. Forest Ecology and Management 422: 273-280.

*Rhodes A and St. Clair SB (2018)
Measures of browse damage and ungulate abundance to quantify impacts on aspen forest regeneration. Ecological Indicators 89: 648-655.

St. Clair SB and Hoines J (2018)
Reproductive ecology and stand structure of Joshua tree forests across climate gradients of the Mojave Desert. PloS ONE e0193248 13: 1-14.

Heroy K, St. Clair SB, Rogers PC, Villalba JJ (2018).
The influence of the foodscape on quaking aspen stand condition and use by ungulates. International Journal of Forest Animal and Fisheries Research 2: 50-63.

Heroy K, St. Clair SB, Burrit B, Durham S, Villalba J (2018)
Nutritional state and secondary compounds influence trembling aspen (Populus tremuloides) intake by lambs. Applied Animal Behavior Science: 206: 39-51.

*Horn KJ and St. Clair SB (2017) Wildfire and exotic grass invasion alter plant productivity in response to climate variability in the Mojave Desert. Landscape Ecology 32: 635-646.

*Horn KJ, *Bishop T, St. Clair SB (2017) Precipitation timing and soil heterogeneity regulate the invasion potential of red brome. Biological Invasions 19: 1339-1350.

*Sharp Bowman T, McMillan B, St. Clair SB (2017) Rodent herbivory differentially affects mortality rates of 14 native plant species with contrasting life history and growth form traits. Oecologia 186: 465-473

*Call A and St. Clair SB (2017)
Outbreak of Drepanopeziza fungus in aspen forest and variation in stand susceptibility: leaf functional traits,
compensatory growth and phenology Tree Physiology 37: 1198-1207

*Rhodes AC, Anderson V, St. Clair SB (2017)
Ungulate herbivory alters leaf functional traits and recruitment of regenerating aspen. Tree Physiology 37: 402-413.

*Rhodes AC and St. Clair SB (2017)
Herbivory impacts of elk, deer and cattle on aspen forest recruitment along gradients of stand composition, topography and climate Forest Ecology and Management 397: 39-47.

*Sharp Bowman T, McMillan B, St. Clair SB (2017)
Rodent herbivory and fire differentially affect plant species recruitment based on variability in life history traits Ecosphere e02016 8 (12): 1-10.

*Sharp Bowman T, McMillan B, St. Clair SB (2017) A comparison of the effects of fire on rodent abundance and diversity in the Great Basin and Mojave Deserts. PLoS ONE e0187740 12 (11): 1-12

*Lybbert A, St. Clair SB (2017) Wildfire and floral herbivory alter reproduction and pollinator mutualisms of Yuccas and Yucca Moths. Journal of Plant Ecology 10: 851-858.

*Lybbert A, #Taylor J, #Defranco A, St. Clair SB (2017) Reproductive success of wind, generalist, and specialist pollinated plant species following wildfire in desert landscapes. International Journal of Wildland Fire 26: 1030-1039

Heroy K, St. Clair SB, Burrit B,Villalba J (2017) Plant community chemical composition influences Trembling Aspen (Populus Tremuloides) intake by sheep Journal of Chemical Ecology 43: 817-830.

St. Clair SB, *O’Connor R, Gill R, McMillan B (2016) Biotic resistance and disturbance: rodent consumers regulate post-fire plant invasions and increase plant community diversity. Ecology 97: 1700-1711.

*Rhodes AC, #Barney T, St. Clair SB (2016) Stand composition, tree proximity and size have minimal effects on leaf function of coexisting aspen and subalpine fir. PLoS ONE 11(4): 1-12.

Rogers PC, St. Clair SB (2016) Quaking Aspen in Utah: Integrating Recent Science with Management. Rangelands 38: 266-272.

Chambers J., Germino M., Belnap J., Brown C., Schupp E., St. Clair SB (2016) Plant community resistance to invasion by Bromus species- the roles of community attributes. In Exotic brome grasses in arid and semi arid ecosystem of the western US: causes, consequences and management implications (eds: Germino, Chambers, Brown). Springer.

*Horn K, #Wilkinson J, #White S, St. Clair SB (2015). Desert wildfire impacts on plant community function. Plant Ecology 216: 1623-1634.

*Horn K, #Nettles R, St. Clair SB (2015). Germination response to temperature and moisture to predict distributions of the invasive grass red brome and wildfire. Biological Invasions 17: 1849-1857.

Villalba J, Burritt E, St. Clair SB. (2014) Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) Intake and preference by mammalian herbivores: the role of plant secondary compounds and nutritional context. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 40: 1135-1145.

*Wan HY, *Rhodes A, St. Clair SB (2014) Fire severity alters plant regeneration patterns and defense against herbivores in mixed forests. Oikos 123: 1479-1488.

*Wan HY, #Olson A, #Muncey K, St. Clair SB (2014) Legacy effects of fire severity and size on forest regeneration, recruitment and wildlife activity in aspen forests. Forest Ecology and Management 329: 59-68.

*Buck J, St. Clair SB (2014) Stand composition, proximity to overstory trees and gradients of soil moisture influence patterns of subalpine fir seedling emergence and survival. Plant and Soil 381: 61-70.

St. Clair SB, Cavard X, Bergeron Y (2013) The role of facilitation and competition in the development and resilience of aspen forests. Forest Ecology and Management 299: 91-99.

Seager T, Eisenberg C, St. Clair SB (2013) Patterns and consequences of ungulate herbivory in aspen forests of North America. Forest Ecology and Management 299: 81-90.

Lindroth R, St.Clair SB (2013) Adaptation of quaking aspen (Populus tremuloides) for defense against herbivores. Forest Ecology and Management 299:14-21.

Rogers PC, Eisenberg C, St.Clair SB. (2013) Resilience in quaking aspen: recent advances and future needs. Forest Ecology and Management 299:1-5.

*Buck J, St. Clair SB (2012) Aspen increases soil moisture, nutrients, organic matter and respiration in Rocky Mountain forest communities. PLoS ONE 7(12) e52369.

Sudderth E, St.Clair SB et al. (2012) Sensitivity of resource pools and fluxes to dry periods under low and high rain treatments. Ecosphere 3 (8): 70.

*Calder WJ, St.Clair SB. (2012) Facilitation drives mortality patterns on succession gradients of aspen-conifer forests. Ecosphere 3 (6): 57.

*Horn K, McMillan B & St.Clair SB (2012) Expansive fire in Mojave Desert reduces small mammal abundance & diversity. Journal of Arid Environments 77: 54-58.

Salve R, Sudderth E, St. Clair SB and Torn M (2011) Effect of grassland vegetation type on the response of hydrological processes to seasonal precipitation patterns. Journal of Hydrology 410: 51-61.

*Calder W, *Horn K and St. Clair SB (2011) Conifer expansion compromises the competitive ability and herbivore defense of aspen by modifying light environment and soil chemistry. Tree Physiology 31: 582-591.

*Smith E, #Collette S, #Boynton T, #Lillrose T, Stevens M, Bekker M, Eggett D, St. Clair SB (2011). Developmental contributions to phenotypic variation in functional leaf traits within quaking aspen clones. Tree Physiology 31: 68-77.

#Clark A, and St. Clair SB (2011) Mycorrhizas and secondary succession in aspen-conifer forests: light limitation differentially affects a dominant early and late successional species. Forest Ecology and Management 262:203-207.

* Smith E, #O’loughlin D, #Buck J, St.Clair SB (2011) The influences of conifer succession, physiographic conditions and herbivory on quaking aspen regeneration after fire. Forest Ecology and Management 262: 325-330.

Swarbreck S, Sudderth E, St. Clair SB, Salve R, Castanha C, Torn M, Ackerly D, Anderson G (2011) Linking leaf transcripts levels to whole plant analysis provides mechanistic insights to the impact of warming and altered water availability in an annual grass. Global Change Biology 17: 1577-1594.

St.Clair SB and Lynch JP (2010). The opening of Pandora’s Box: climate change impacts on soil fertility and crop nutrition in developing countries. Plant and Soil 335: 101-115. Invited paper.

*Calder W, #Lifferth G, Moritz M and St.Clair SB (2010) Physiological effects of smoke exposure on deciduous and evergreen tree species. International Journal of Forest Research 438930: 1-7.

St. Clair SB, Mock K, Lamalfa E, Campbell R and Ryel R (2010) Genetic contributions to phenotypic variation in physiology, growth and vigor of aspen (Populus tremuloides) clones. Forest Science 56: 222-230.

Currit N and St.Clair SB (2010) Assessing the impact of extreme climatic events on aspen defoliation using MODIS imagery. Geocarto International 25: 133-147.

St.Clair SB, Guyon J and Donaldson J (2010) Quaking aspen’s current and future status in western North America: the role of succession, climate, biotic agents and its clonal nature. Progress in Botany 71: 371-400. Commissioned review.

St.Clair SB, #Monson S, #Smith E, # Cahill D and *Calder W (2009) Altered leaf morphology, leaf resource dilution and defense chemistry induction in frost- defoliated aspen (Populus tremuloides). Tree Physiology 29: 1259-1268.

St.Clair SB, Sudderth E, Fischer M, Torn M, Stuart S, Salve R, Eggett D and Ackerly D (2009) Soil drying and nitrogen availability modulate carbon and water exchange over a range of annual precipitation totals and grassland community types. Global Change Biology 15: 3018-3030.

St.Clair SB, Sudderth E, Castanha C, Torn M and Ackerly D (2009) Plant response to variation in precipitation and nitrogen is consistent across the diversity of a California annual grassland. Journal of Vegetation Science 20: 860-870.

Thayer SS, St.Clair SB, Somerville S and Field CB (2008) Accentuation of phosphorus limitation by nitrogen deposition in Geranium dissectum: an ecological genomics study. Global Change Biology 14: 1877-1890.

St.Clair SB, Sharpe WE and Lynch JP (2008) Key interactions between nutrient limitation and climatic factors in temperate forests: a synthesis of the sugar maple literature. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 38: 401-414.

Wullschleger SD, Leakey A and St. Clair SB (2007) Functional genomics and ecology: a tale of two scales. New Phytologist 176: 735-739.

St.Clair LL, Johansen JR, St.Clair SB and Knight KB (2007) The influence of grazing and abiotic factors on vascular plant and lichen community structure along an alpine tundra ridge in the Uinta Mountains, Utah, USA. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 39: 603-613.

St.Clair SB and Lynch JP (2007) The differential success of sugar maple and red maple seedlings on acid soils is influenced by nutrient dynamics and light environment. In Adjustment of photosynthetic processes of plants and cells to light environment, ed. Tom Sharkey. Plant, Cell and Environment 30 virtual issue.

St.Clair SB, Carlson JE and Lynch JP. (2005) Evidence for oxidative stress in sugar maple stands on acidic, nutrient imbalanced forest soils. Oecologia 145: 258-269.

St.Clair SB and Lynch JP (2005) The differential success of sugar maple and red maple seedlings on acid soils is influenced by nutrient dynamics and light environment. Plant, Cell and Environment 28: 874-885.

St.Clair SB and Lynch JP (2005)
Base cation stimulation of mycorrhization and photosynthesis of sugar maple on acid soils are coupled by foliar nutrient dynamics.
New Phytologist 165: 581-590.

St.Clair SB and Lynch JP (2005) Element accumulation patterns of deciduous and evergreen tree seedlings on acid soils and its implications for sensitivity to manganese toxicity. Tree Physiology 25: 85-92.

St.Clair SB and Lynch JP (2004) Photosynthetic and antioxidant enzyme responses of sugar maple and red maple to excess manganese in contrasting light environments. Functional Plant Biology 31: 1005-1014.

Lynch JP and St.Clair SB (2004) Mineral stress: the missing link in understanding how global climate change will affect plants in real world soils. Field Crops Research 90: 101-115.

St.Clair SB, Sharpe WE and Lynch JP (2003) Excess manganese reduces chlorophyll in sugar maple leaves. Maple Syrup Digest 15: 28-31.

St.Clair SB, St.Clair LL, Mangelson NF and Weber DJ (2002) Influence of growth form on the accumulation of airborne copper by lichens. Atmospheric Environment 36: 5637-5644.

St.Clair SB, St.Clair LL, Mangelson NF, Weber DJ and Eggett DL (2002) Element accumulation patterns in foliose and fruticose lichens from rock and bark substrates in Arizona. Bryologist 105: 415-421.

St.Clair SB, Cooper LS, Stewart LJ, Newberry CC and St.Clair LL (1998). The lichen flora of Stony Pass, an alpine tundra site in southwestern Colorado. In Lichenographia Thomsoniana: North American Lichenology eds. Glenn M, Cole M, Dirig R, Harris R, pp. 315-322. Ithaca NY.