Journal Articles
Richardson WC, Badrakh T, Roundy BA, Aanderud ZT, Petersen SL, Allen PS, Whitaker DR, Madsen MD. 2019. Influence of an abscisic acid (ABA) seed coating on seed germination rate and timing of Bluebunch Wheatgrass. Ecology and Evolution. Published Ahead of Press.
Beever EA, Huntsinger L, Petersen SL. 2018. Conservation challenges emerging from free-roaming horse management: a vexing social-ecological mismatch. Biological Conservation. 226:321-328.
Howell RG, Petersen SL. 2017. A comparison of change detection measurements using object-based and pixel-based classification methods on western juniper dominated woodlands in Eastern Oregon. AIMS Environmental Science. 4:348-357.
Zvirzdin DL, Roundy BA, Barney NS, Petersen SL, Anderson VJ, Madsen MD. 2017. Postfire soil water repellency in piñon–juniper woodlands: Extent, severity, and thickness relative to ecological site characteristics and climate. Ecology and Evolution. 7(13):4630-4639.
Landeen ML, Flinders LA, Kitchen SG, Petersen SL. 2017. Seed production estimation for mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana). Rangeland Ecology and Management. 70:633-637.
Gooch AJ, Petersen SL, Collins GH, Smith TS, McMillan BR, Eggett DL. 2017. The impacts of feral horses on the use of water by pronghorn in the Great Basin. Journal of Arid Environments. 138:38-43.
Boswell A, Petersen SL, Roundy BA, Jensen RR, Summers D, Hulet A. 2017. Rangeland monitoring using remote sensing: comparison of cover estimates from field measurements and image analysis. AIMS Environmental Science. 4(1):1-16.
Petersen SL, Nicholes BK, Frey N, Heaton K, Eggett DL. 2016. Response of greater sage-grouse to surface coal mining and habitat conservation in association with the mine. Human-Wildlife Interactions. 10:205-216.
Freese M, Petersen SL, Miller RF, Yost AC, Robinson WD. 2016. Spatial analysis of greater sage-grouse habitat use in relation to landscape level habitat structure. Journal of Ecosystem and Ecography. 6:1-10.
Westover MW, Larsen RT, Baxter RJ, Day CC, Jensen RR, Petersen SL. 2016. Assessing Greater Sage-Grouse selection of brood-rearing habitat using remotely-sensed imagery: Can readily available high-resolution imagery be used to identify brood-rearing habitat across a broad landscape?. Plos ONE. 11:19.
Roundy DB, Hulet A, Roundy BA, Jensen RR, Hinkle JB, Crook L, Petersen SL. 2016. Estimating pinyon and juniper cover across Utah using NAIP imagery. AIM Environmental Science. 3:765-777.
Roundy BA, Farmer M, Olson J, Petersen SL, Nelson DR, Davis J, Vernon J. 2016. Runoff and sediment response to tree control and seeding on a high erosion potential site in Utah: evidence for reversal of an abiotic threshold. Ecohydrology. :1-9.
Madsen MD, Zvirzdin DL, Petersen SL, Hopkins BG, Roundy BA. 2015. Anchor chaining’s influence on soil hydrology and seeding success in burned pinon-juniper woodlands. 68(3):231-240.
Hulet A, Roundy BA, Petersen SL, Jensen RR, Bunting S. 2014. Utilizing National Agricultural Image Program data to estimate tree cover and biomass of piñon and juniper woodlands. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 67:563-572.
Collins GA, Petersen SL, Carr CA, Pielstick L. 2014. Testing GPS/VHF collar design and safety in the study of free-roaming horses. PloS One. 8(9(8):e103189).
Hulet A, Roundy BA, Petersen SL, Jensen RR, Bunting SC. 2014. Cover estimations using object-based image analysis rule sets developed across multiple scales in pinyon and juniper woodlands. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 67:318-327.
Gillette G, Coates PS, Petersen SL, Romero JP. 2013. Can reliable sage-grouse lek counts be obtained using aerial infrared technology?. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 4(2):386-394.
Hulet A, Roundy BA, Petersen SL, Jensen RR, Bunting S. 2013. Assessing the relationship between ground measurements and object-based image analysis of land cover classes in pinyon-juniper woodlands. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. 79:799-808.
Madsen MD, Petersen SL, Fernelius KJ, Roundy BA, Taylor AG, Hopkins BG. 2012. Influence of soil water repellency on seedling emergence and plant survival in a burned semi-arid woodland. Arid Land Research and Management. 26:236-249.
Madsen MD, Petersen SL, Roundy BA, Taylor AG, Hopkins BG. 2012. Comparison of post-fire soil water repellency amelioration strategies on bluebunch wheatgrass and cheatgrass survival. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 65(2):182-188.
Boyd C, Petersen SL, Gilgert W, Rogers R, Fuhlendorf S, Larsen RT, Wolfe D, Jensen KC, Gonzales P, Dahlgren D, et al. 2011. Looking toward a brighter future for lekking grouse. Rangelands. 34:1-10.
Bruce JR, Robinson WD, Petersen SL, Miller RF. 2011. Greater sage-grouse movement and habitat use during winter in Central Oregon. Western North American Naturalist. 71:418-424.
Madsen MD, Zvirzden DL, Petersen SL, Roundy BA, Hopkins BG, Chandler DG. 2011. Soil water repellency within a burned piñon-juniper woodland: spatial distribution, severity, and ecohydrologic implications. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 75:1543-1553.
Madsen MD, Zvirzden DL, Davis BD, Petersen SL, Roundy BA. 2011. Feature extraction techniques for measuring piñon and juniper tree cover and density, and comparison with field-based surveys. Environmental Management. 47:766-776.
Balzotti CS, Petersen SL, Terry RE, Golding C. 2010. Remote Sensing as a Tool for Tropical Ecology. Geography Compass. 4(8):993-1012.
Valencia MC, Nelson SV, Lawrence R, Hansen NC, Madsen MD, Anderson VJ, Petersen SL, Hopkins BG. Phosphorus fertilizer and hydrogel for rangeland seedling success. ASA•CSSA International Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. 2018 .
Petersen SL, Burchfield D, Howell R. Application of technologies used to assess and monitor rangeland resources. Society for Range Management. Midway, Utah. 2018 .
Burchfield D, Petersen SL. Forest stand assessment using small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS). Society of American Foresters. Hays, Kansas. 2018 .
Sowards T, Aanderud ZT, Petersen SL, St Clair SB, Kitchen S, Roundy BA, Madsen MD. Efficacy of abscic acid in delaying germination of pseudoroegneria spicata to reduce seeding failure in sagebrush-steppe restoration efforts. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. 2018 .
Gomez T, Schill S, Petersen SL, Excovar X. Modeling coastal vulnerability for insight into mangrove and coral reef conservation efforts in Cuba. International Marine Conservation Congress. Kuching, Malaysia. 2018 .
Gomez T, Schill S, Petersen SL, Excovar X. Modeling coastal vulnerability for insight into mangrove and coral reef conservation efforts in Cuba. Society for Conservation GIS annual symposium. Monterrey, California. 2018 .
Petersen SL. Use of drone technology (remote sensing) in agricultural practices. BYU Agricultural Days Conference. Provo, Utah. 2018 .
Gomez T, Petersen SL, Jensen RR, Morgan G, Burton R, Butterfield C. Society for Range Management. Sparks, Nevada. 2018 .
Knighton L, Petersen SL, Collins GH. Hydrologic and biological response to restoration of anthropogenically-altered spring in the Great Basin. Society for Range Management. Sparks, Nevada. 2018 .
Petersen SL, Gooch AJ, Collins GH, Eggett DL, Montague CA. Relationship between free-roaming horses and pronghorn populations in riparian areas of Northwestern Nevada. Society for Range Management. Sparks, Nevada. 2018 .
Anderson N, Anderson VJ, Gomez T, Petersen SL. Use of drones for assessing flower cover in relation to bee densities in Utah. Society for Range Management. Sparks, Nevada. 2018 .
Morris JR, Petersen SL, Madsen MD, McMillan BR. Immature seedling fate and growth dynamics of the native grass, elymus elymoides. 71st Annual Meeting for the Society for Range Management. Sparks, Nevada, USA. 2018 .
Petersen SL. Implementing geospatial technology to improve environmental conservation. GIS Day. Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. 2017 .
Petersen SL. Rangeland monitoring using very high resolution remote sensing. Utah Society for Range Management. Midway, Utah. 2017 .
Gomez T, Schill S, Nunez F, Knowles J, Petersen SL. Planning for the future of the coastal communities of Cuba. XI International Convention on the Environment and Develolpment. Havana, Cuba. 2017 .
Knighton L, Petersen SL, Collins G. Restoration of anthropogenically altered springs in the Great Basin: giving water back to the desert. Society for Range Management Annual Conference. St George, Utah. 2017 .
Spendlove B, Petersen SL, Kitchen SG, Landeen M. Spatial and temporal patterns in fire occurrence across Great Basin ecosystems. Society for Range Management Annual Conference. St George, Utah. 2017 .
Morris J, Petersen SL, Madsen MD. Effects of soil type and precipitation on seedling demography of the native grass, Elymus Elymoides. Annual Meeting for the Society for Range Management. Saint George, Utah, USA. 2017 .
Morris J, Madsen MD, Taylor J, Petersen SL, Lawrence C, Anderson VJ. Novel approach for improving rangeland seeding success with imazapic herbicide, cultivator sweeps, and a rangeland drill. Annual Meeting for the Society for Range Management. Saint George, Utah, USA. 2017 .
Petersen SL. Utilizing geospatial technology to improve our understanding of Great Basin landscapes. GIS Day. UVU Campus, Orem, Utah. 2016 .
Petersen SL, Gooch AJ, Eggett DL, Montague CA. The impact of feral horses on pronghorn water use in the Great Basin. Utah Society for Range Management Annual Conference. Richfield, Utah. 2016 .
Kitchen SG, Petersen SL, Taylor GW, Page DH, Balzotti CS, Coleman CE. Great Basin bristlecone pine (Pinus longaeva) historic fire regimes and future fire risk: a multi-scale assessment. Restoring the West Conference. Logan, Utah. 2016 .
Howell R, Petersen SL. Remote sensing of western juniper: a comparison of image classification techniques. Society for Conservation GIS Annual Conference. Monterey, California. 2016 .
Gomez T, Schill S, Knowles J, Nunez F, Petersen SL. Creating a conservation blueprint for Cuba. ESRI Users Conference. San Diego, California. 2016 .
Jackson MW, Petersen SL, Howell R. Spatial Bibliography for mapping research. ESRI Users Conference. San Diego, California. 2016 .
Petersen SL, Balzotti CS, Freese M. Assessing greater sage-grouse habitat use at multiple spatial scales using remote sensing and GIS. Society for Range Management Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, Texas. 2016 .
Morris J, Petersen SL, Louhaichi M. Modelling the impact of climate change on native shrub community dynamics in the southern part of the Mediterranean Basin. Society for Range Management Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, Texas. 2016 .
Landeen M, Petersen SL, Kitchen SG, Flinders LA. Post-fire seed production of mountain big sagebrush. Society for Range Management Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, Texas. 2016 .
Boswell A, Petersen SL, Roundy BA, Jensen RR, Vernon J, Summers D. Rangeland monitoring using remote sensing: comparing field-based sampling and image analysis techniques. Society for Range Management Annual Conference. Corpus Christi, Texas. 2016 .
Petersen SL. Principles of Range Management and Grazing. Wild Horse and Burro Advisory Board. Riverside, Wyoming. 2014 .
Petersen SL. Restoration of arid rangelands in Western North America. Revegetation techniques for Arid Lands. Amman Jordan. 2013 .
Gooch AJ, Petersen SL, McMillan BR, Smith TS. Feral horse impacts on pronghorn use of watering holes on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. Society for Range Management. Oklahoma City, OK. 2013 .
Petersen SL, Kitchen SG, St Clair SB. The influence of fire severity on ecological succession patterns within an aspen-conifer post-fire community. Society for Range Management. Oklahoma City, OK. 2013 .
Hulet A, Roundy BA, Petersen SL. Utilizing NAIP imagery to estimate tree cover and biomass in pinyon and juniper woodlands. Society for Range Management 66th Annual Meeting. Oklahoma City, OK. 2013 .
Petersen SL, Carr C, Collins G, Clark P, Johnson D, Boyd C, Davies K, Gooch A. Free-roaming horse distribution and habitat use patterns within riparian and upland areas in western North America. International Wild Equid Conference. Vienna, Austria. 2012 .
Nordquist MW, Petersen SL, Robinson TF, Collins G. Stable isotope diet reconstruction of feral horses (Equus caballus) on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada, USA. International Wild Equid Conference. Vienna, Austria. 2012 .
Roundy BA, Hulet A, Petersen SL, Bunting S, Jensen RR. Assessing the relationship between remotely-sensed variables and field-based vegetation variables at multiple scales. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012 .
Carr C, Petersen SL, Bristow L, Johnson DE, Collins G, Clark P. Effect of GPS Collar Sampling Interval on Measures of Free-Roaming Horse Activity and Resource Use. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012 .
Landeen M, Petersen SL, Kitchen sG, Flinders LA. Estimating age of Mountain Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana) Using Morphological Characteristics. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012 .
Gooch AJ, Petersen SL, Collins G, Smith TS, McMillan BR. Feral Horse (Equus caballus) Impacts on Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana) Use of Watering Holes on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, Nevada. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012 .
Nordquist MW, Petersen SL, Robinson TF. Feral Horse Diet Selection and Forage Availability. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012 .
Davies K, Boyd C, Collins G, Petersen SL. Impacts of Feral Horse Use on Rangelands and Riparian Areas. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012 .
Boswell A, Petersen SL, Jensen RR, Summers D, Vernon J. Rangeland Monitoring Using Remote Sensing and GIS: A Case Study of Scale and Resolution in Measuring Plant Community Structure. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012 .
Petersen SL, Carr C, Collins G, Boyd C, Davies K, Gooch A. Wild Horse Habitat Use Patterns within Riparian Areas of Northwest Nevada. Society for Range Management 65th Annual Meeting, 8 January-3 February 2012. Spokane, Washington. 2012 .
Hulet A, Roundy BA, Petersen SL, Bunting S, Jensen RR. Object-oriented segmentation and classification of high resolution imagery evaluating fire carrying fuel variables of pinyon-juniper woodlands in the Great Basin. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 2011 .
Hulet A, Roundy BA, Petersen SL, Bunting S, Jensen RR. Characterizing pinyon-juniper woodlands using high resolution imagery. SageSTEP Land Manager Workshop. Boise, Idaho. 2011 .
Carr C, Petersen SL, Johnson DE, Clark PE, Collins G. Using GPS technology to characterize free-roaming horse distribution and movement patterns in southeast Oregon. The Wildlife Society Annual conference. Wakoloa, Hawaii. 2011 .
Cline N, Deboodt T, Fischer M, Petersen SL. Classification and expansion detection of western juniper using historical aerial imagery. Society for Range Management. Billings, Montana. 2011 .
Landeen ML, Petersen SL, Kitchen SG, Weisberg PJ, Reeves BA, Costa KA. Estimating seed production and plant age of mountain big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana). Society for Range Management. Billings, Montana. 2011 .
Nordquist MW, Robinson TF, Petersen SL. Stable isotope diet reconstruction using tail hairs of feral horses on the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge. Society for Range Management. Billings, Montana. 2011 .
hulet A, Roundy BA, Petersen SL, Bunting S, Jensen RR. Object-oriented segmentation and classification of high resolution imagery evaluating fire-carying variables of pinyon-juniper woodlands in the Great Basin. Society for Range Management 64th annual meeting. Billings, MT. 2011 .
Petersen SL. North American Wild Horse Habitat Use, Distribution, and Management Considerations. Wild Equid Conference. Alice Springs, Australia. 2010 .
Balzotti CS, Terry RE, Petersen SL, Jensen R. Modeling the maize agriculture potential of landforms in the Sierra del Lacondon and Tikal National Parks, Guatemala. Society for American Archaeology. St. Louis. 2010 .
Petersen SL, Miller RF, Gregg ME, Yost A. Landscape Heterogeneity for Greater Sage-grouse in Sagebrush Dominated Ecosystems. Western Shrublands Symposium. Logan, Utah. 2010 .
Petersen SL, Collins GE, Johnson DE, Clark PE, Wilson M. Use of GPS collars to monitor free-roaming horse behavior and movement patterns. Utah Section The Wildlife Society Meeting. Moab, Utah. 2010 .
Petersen SL, Collins GH, Carr CA, Johnson DE, Clark PE. Monitoring free-roaming horse distribution patterns and habitat use with GPS technology. Society for Range Management. Denver, Colorado. 2010 .
Research Report
Kaze J, Petersen SL, Larsen RT, Baxter RJ. 2014. Utah Sage-grouse habitat predictive modeling and Diamond population monitoring project.