St. Augustine
Stenotaphrum secundatum
Scientific Name: Stenotaphrum secundatum
Common name: St. Augustine
St. Augustine grass is a warm season grass that spreads by stolons and rhizomes. It is native to parts of North America and Africa. It is also native to the Caribbean and South America. It prefers tropical climates and is hardy in many areas, but it is frost sensitive and is actually seen as an invasive species in many parts of the world.
St. Augustine needs 1 inch of water each week depending on soil type. In winter, it may need watering to avoid winter desiccation. St. Augustine grass requires a soil pH of 6-6.5, so fertilization will depend on soil pH test. Some varieties may be tolerant of higher pHs. During the growing season, St. Augustine grass needs between 2-4 lbs of nitrogen per 1000 ft2. It can be mowed every 1-2 weeks and is very salt tolerant. It is usually propagated using plugs, sprigs or sod.