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Hard fescue

Festuca brevipila

Scientific name: Festuca brevipila

Common name: Hard Fescue

Hard Fescue is a fine fescue that performs as a low-quality lawn grass. Its root system is quite extensive, so it is often used in erosion control on banks. It does well in shaded areas (it does not tolerate high temperatures). Hard Fescue is a cool season grass. It also does well in poor soils. During the growing season in the west, it requires no more than 2 lbs/1000 sq. ft. of nitrogen for the entire season. Hard fescue prefers deep and infrequent watering (very drought tolerant). It likes being mowed from 1.5-2.5”. Hard fescue has low wear tolerance. It is the hardiest of all the fescues which is why it gets its name.