Emerald Ripple Peperomia
Peperomia caperata

Peperomia caperata is a species of flowering perennial in the Piperaceae family. This mound forming evergreen is native to Brazil and stays fairly small, approximately 9 x 9 inches. The unique leaves are corrugated and heart-shaped with narrow spikes of white flowers 2-3 inches long.
These plants like moderate to bright light but not direct sunlight or they will burn.
Water needs depend heavily on the humidity in their growing environment. As a house plant the emerald ripple will need watered regularly, but in the humid jungles where it is native it holds water well through the dry season.
These plants like moderate to bright light but not direct sunlight or they will burn.
Water needs depend heavily on the humidity in their growing environment. As a house plant the emerald ripple will need watered regularly, but in the humid jungles where it is native it holds water well through the dry season.